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Spells as powers with timers for more depth


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Hi i'm reitting this because i've been thinking of a mod for skyrim and i don't mod and wood like it to be dun well so i thought i wood give you's the idea in hopes that you's wood either be up for making it or know somebody that wood like to.

The idea

to make spells that heal or buff you to be cast as a power with timers so you cannot cast them repeatedly to add more depth to the game for all classes as well to reduce switching out spells/weapons in battle instead you can just keybind them to switch between them a list of spells i think this can be used on is






Candlelight,Equilibrium,Oakflesh,Stoneflesh,Detect Life,Ironflesh,Waterbreathing,

Detect Undead,Ebonyflesh,Dragonhide



Bound Sword,Bound Battleaxe,Bound Bow



Healing,Fast Healing,Close Wounds,Repel Lesser Undead,Circle of Protection,Repel Undead,Grand Healing,Bane of the Undead,Guardian Circle



Flame Cloak,Frost Cloak,Lightning Cloak,Incinerate,Ice Storm,Blizzard,

Fire Storm,Lightning Storm


And many other spells that i missed that wood fit this way most of the spells will have timers and you wood not have to switch out what is in your hands


ps. on top of all that if you's go ahead with it a friend gave me this script on the forms to help the spells level up when they are a power here it is i hope it helps.


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
if akCaster == Game.GetPlayer()
Game.IncrementSkillBy("Destruction", 5) ;advance destruction skill by 5

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