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Everything posted by GrimyBunyip

  1. You can try taking a look at my headhunter mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=678149207 I'm under the impression that getmultitargetoptions is meant for the UI, because I'm pretty sure getsingletargetoptions populates the list of possible targets for the UI, for stuff like standard shot. ANYWAYS in my case I just ignored that altogether and manipulated the targets via the BuildGameStateFn and BuildVisualizationFn
  2. so if you've made a class mod, you'll need to update your xcomclassdata.ini file with new info like excludedAWC, ballowawc, allowedarmors, etc
  3. Advanced and Superior weapon upgrade drop rates changed Advanced and superior Repeater drop rates were roughly halved relative to other items No change to basic repeaters.
  4. new inv slots, kinda chuckled when I read the naming convention case eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_TertiaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_QuaternaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_QuinaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_SenaryWeapon: case eInvSlot_SeptenaryWeapon:
  5. changes were made to X2SoldierClassTemplate and X2SoldierClassTemplateManager var config array<name> AllowedArmors; var config array<name> ExcludedAbilities; // Abilities that are not eligible to roll from AWC for this class var config bool bAllowAWCAbilities; // If this class should receive or share AWC abilities var config protectedwrite bool bMultiplayerOnly; var config bool bUniqueTacticalToStrategyTransfer; // If this class has unique tactical to strategy transfer code, used for DLC and modding var config bool bIgnoreInjuries; // This class can go on missions even if they are wounded var config bool bBlockRankingUp; // Do not let soldiers of this class rank up in the normal way from XP var config array<EInventorySlot> CannotEditSlots; // Slots which cannot be edited in the armory loadout var config protectedwrite bool bHideInCharacterPool; var localized array<string> RankNames; // there should be one name for each rank; e.g. Rookie, Squaddie, etc. var localized array<string> ShortNames; // the abbreviated rank name; e.g. Rk., Sq., etc. var localized array<string> RankIcons; // strings of image names for specialized rank icons function bool IsArmorAllowedByClass(X2ArmorTemplate ArmorTemplate) { local int i; switch (ArmorTemplate.InventorySlot) { case eInvSlot_Armor: break; default: return true; } for (i = 0; i < AllowedArmors.Length; ++i) { if (ArmorTemplate.ArmorCat == AllowedArmors) return true; return true; } } return false; return false; }
  6. new effect property: bCanTickEveryAction=true needless to say X2StatusEffects.uc has been altered
  7. we already knew that, but the question is how they're overridden. because if it's done in the same way as other overrides, where any time old code would create the old game state instead of the override state, then it might not be that useful.
  8. what looks like is going on, is that I can call logs right before: AbilityState.LookupShotBreakdown LookupShotBreakdown is inside a native class (XcomGameState_Ability), so I can't drop any logs inside the native class. what is odd, is that the native class still calls X2AbilityToHitCalc, which is NOT native and any logs I put inside X2AbilityToHitCalc, or any other changes I make there, will not affect the game itself. Is it just that code in native classes aren't reflected in the source code? Or I can't even indirectly affect native classes through other classes the native one calls.
  9. yes to both log calls and redscreen calls never popped up, it's like the code isn't being called at all.
  10. I've been trying to edit various functions inside X2AbilityToHitCalc, namely finalizehitchance but none of my edits seem to be having any effect on the game. I tried disabling all mods besides the the one making the edit, and deleting the config folder. I've also traced the function calls for finalizehitchance through other uc files, and it definitely seems like finalizehitchance should be called where I would expect it to. I'm hoping to see if anybody has any thoughts why this might be the case.
  11. you can just do RemoveItem https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Dynamic_arrays
  12. I'm trying to figure out how to draw a simple rectangle. I started by trying to make a UIBGBox: GrimyBox1 = Spawn(class'UIBGBox', self); GrimyBox1.InitBG('BGBoxSimple').SetBGColor("red"); GrimyBox1.SetHighlighed(true); GrimyBox1.AnchorCenter(); GrimyBox1.SetPosition(-250,400); GrimyBox1.SetSize(5 * (GrimyHitChance - GrimyCritChance),20); GrimyBox2 = Spawn(class'UIBGBox', self); GrimyBox2.InitBG('BGBoxSimple').SetBGColor("yellow"); GrimyBox2.SetHighlighed(true); GrimyBox2.AnchorCenter(); GrimyBox2.SetPosition(-250 + 5 * (GrimyHitChance - GrimyCritChance - GrimyDodgeChance),400); GrimyBox2.SetSize(5 * GrimyCritChance,20);The above code will draw box1, but will not draw box2.If I comment out the code for box1, box2 will appear. I don't understand why these two are mutually exclusive. I tried using UIPanel instead of UIBGBox, but nothing appears. has anyone else experimented with UI elements yet?
  13. I discovered something weird today, that I felt I might as well share. I tried adding config to the X2DownloadableContentInfo header. For Example: class X2DownloadableContentInfo_GrimyLootMod extends X2DownloadableContentInfo Config(GrimyLootMod); The code builds, but it turns out that the OnLoadedSavedGame() event will not trigger with config in the header. But when I removed the Config(GrimyLootMod) from the header, the event would trigger. Very strange.
  14. Maybe my memory is bad, but did anyone ever say that OnLoadedSaveGame actually runs once *every* time you load? As opposed to what was stated in the examples? I'm looking for a method that runs on every load, as a means to implement a form of version control.
  15. is there any particular information you need for windows 7 users? just the error logs?
  16. That was it! thanks. Sometimes I just can't seem to read my own code it seems.
  17. I just return it inside an array output by a createtemplate function, the game actually handles the rest by itself.
  18. there's no code in Installnewcampaign. I haven't found the code elsewhere yet.
  19. I have a mod that adds new tech templates, and they aren't shown to users who grab this DLC on an ongoing campaign. I'm trying to figure out how to rectify that. I'm following the OnLoadedSaveGame() code from the example weapon: static event OnLoadedSavedGame() { local XComGameStateHistory History; local XComGameState NewGameState; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom OldXComHQState; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom NewXComHQState; local X2TechTemplate TechTemplate; local XComGameState_Tech TechState; local X2StrategyElementTemplateManager StratMgr; StratMgr = class'X2StrategyElementTemplateManager'.static.GetStrategyElementTemplateManager(); History = `XCOMHISTORY; //Create a pending game state change NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Adding Research Templates"); //Get the previous XCom HQ state - we'll need it's ID to create a new state for it OldXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom')); //Make the new XCom HQ state. This starts out as just a copy of the previous state. NewXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', OldXComHQState.ObjectID)); //Find tech template TechTemplate = X2TechTemplate(StratMgr.FindStrategyElementTemplate('Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox')); //Instantiate a new item state object using the template TechState = XComGameState_Tech(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_Item')); TechState.OnCreation(TechTemplate); NewGameState.AddStateObject(TechState); //Commit the new HQ state object to the state change that we built NewGameState.AddStateObject(NewXComHQState); //Commit the state change into the history. History.AddGameStateToHistory(NewGameState); } Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be working. I checked the GetAvailableTechsForResearch function from XcomGameState_HeadquartersXcom as well, and it certainly looks like research lists are acquired by iterating through game states in HISTORY. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
  20. Figured it out. Posting code for anyone who is curious: local XComGameStateHistory History; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ; local X2ItemTemplateManager ItemTemplateManager; local XComGameState_Item ItemState; local XComGameState_Tech CompletedTechState; local array<XComGameState_Tech> CompletedTechs; local X2ItemTemplate ItemTemplate; ItemTemplateManager = class'X2ItemTemplateManager'.static.GetItemTemplateManager(); ItemTemplate = ItemTemplateManager.FindItemTemplate('ModWeapon_CV'); foreach NewGameState.IterateByClassType(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', XComHQ) { break; } if (XComHQ == none) { History = `XCOMHISTORY; XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom')); XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', XComHQ.ObjectID)); NewGameState.AddStateObject(XComHQ); } // If it is possible for this item to be upgraded, check to see if the upgrade has already been researched if (ItemTemplate.UpgradeItem != '') { CompletedTechs = XComHQ.GetCompletedProvingGroundTechStates(); foreach CompletedTechs(CompletedTechState) { if (CompletedTechState.GetMyTemplate().ItemsToUpgrade.Find(ItemTemplate.DataName) != INDEX_NONE) { // A tech has already been completed which has upgraded this item, so replace the template with the upgraded version ItemTemplate = ItemTemplateManager.FindItemTemplate(ItemTemplate.UpgradeItem); break; } } } ItemState = ItemTemplate.CreateInstanceFromTemplate(NewGameState); ItemState.ApplyWeaponUpgradeTemplate(X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate(ItemTemplateManager.FindItemTemplate('AimUpgrade_Bsc'))); NewGameState.AddStateObject(ItemState); // Act as though it was just built, and immediately add it to the inventory ItemState.OnItemBuilt(NewGameState); TechState.ItemReward = ItemTemplate; // Needed for UI Alert display info TechState.bSeenResearchCompleteScreen = false; // Reset the research report for techs that are repeatable XComHQ.PutItemInInventory(NewGameState, ItemState); `XEVENTMGR.TriggerEvent('ItemConstructionCompleted', ItemState, ItemState, NewGameState);
  21. Oops, I did have that line uncommented at some point during my testing. But I started commenting stuff out hoping to figure out what was wrong. Here's the redscreen if I uncomment those lines of code: http://imgur.com/L3Slt3Z function IndentifyWeaponAR(XComGameState NewGameState, XComGameState_Tech TechState) { local XComGameStateHistory History; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom OldXComHQState; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom NewXComHQState; local XComGameState_Item ItemState; local X2ItemTemplateManager ItemMgr; local X2ItemTemplate ItemTemplate; local X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate UpgradeTemplate; //In this method, we demonstrate functionality that will add ExampleWeapon to the player's inventory when loading a saved //game. This allows players to enjoy the content of the mod in campaigns that were started without the mod installed. ItemMgr = class'X2ItemTemplateManager'.static.GetItemTemplateManager(); History = `XCOMHISTORY; //Create a pending game state change NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Adding ExampleWeapon Objects"); //Get the previous XCom HQ state - we'll need it's ID to create a new state for it OldXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom')); //Make the new XCom HQ state. This starts out as just a copy of the previous state. NewXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', OldXComHQState.ObjectID)); //Make the changes to the HQ state. Here we add items to the HQ's inventory ItemTemplate = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate('AssaultRifle_Central'); //Instantiate a new item state object using the template. ItemState = ItemTemplate.CreateInstanceFromTemplate(NewGameState); `CREATE_X2TEMPLATE(class'X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate', UpgradeTemplate, 'AimUpgrade_Bsc'); ItemState.ApplyWeaponUpgradeTemplate(UpgradeTemplate); ItemState.Nickname = "HelloWorld"; NewGameState.AddStateObject(ItemState); //Add the newly created item to the HQ inventory NewXComHQState.AddItemToHQInventory(ItemState); //Commit the new HQ state object to the state change that we built NewGameState.AddStateObject(NewXComHQState); //Commit the state change into the history. History.AddGameStateToHistory(NewGameState); }
  22. Edit: Figured it out. I'm getting the following redscreen errors upon research completion: http://imgur.com/a/oz9Fk Here is the function that runs when the research completes, it's more or less a copy paste from the exampleweapon project. I'm not sure why I'm getting a "never added to history" error. Can anyone help me understand? function IndentifyWeaponAR(XComGameState NewGameState, XComGameState_Tech TechState) { local XComGameStateHistory History; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom OldXComHQState; local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom NewXComHQState; local XComGameState_Item ItemState; local X2ItemTemplateManager ItemMgr; local X2ItemTemplate ItemTemplate; local X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate UpgradeTemplate; //In this method, we demonstrate functionality that will add ExampleWeapon to the player's inventory when loading a saved //game. This allows players to enjoy the content of the mod in campaigns that were started without the mod installed. ItemMgr = class'X2ItemTemplateManager'.static.GetItemTemplateManager(); History = `XCOMHISTORY; //Create a pending game state change NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Adding ExampleWeapon Objects"); //Get the previous XCom HQ state - we'll need it's ID to create a new state for it OldXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom')); //Make the new XCom HQ state. This starts out as just a copy of the previous state. NewXComHQState = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', OldXComHQState.ObjectID)); //Make the changes to the HQ state. Here we add items to the HQ's inventory ItemTemplate = ItemMgr.FindItemTemplate('AssaultRifle_Central'); //Instantiate a new item state object using the template. //ItemState = ItemTemplate.CreateInstanceFromTemplate(NewGameState); //`CREATE_X2TEMPLATE(class'X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate', UpgradeTemplate, 'AimUpgrade_Bsc'); //ItemState.ApplyWeaponUpgradeTemplate(UpgradeTemplate); //ItemState.Nickname = "HelloWorld"; NewGameState.AddStateObject(ItemState); //Add the newly created item to the HQ inventory NewXComHQState.AddItemToHQInventory(ItemState); //Commit the new HQ state object to the state change that we built NewGameState.AddStateObject(NewXComHQState); //Commit the state change into the history. History.AddGameStateToHistory(NewGameState); }
  23. You can do: class'CLASS_NAME'.default.VARIABLE_PROPERTYto grab a var, can you do the same for functions?
  24. Here is the code that Death From Above uses to check for height advantage: SourceUnit.HasHeightAdvantageOver(PrevTargetUnit, true))
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