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Succeed UOP + QTP3, but Need Help to *confirm* thx

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Hi all,

I recently reinstalled oblivion again, and this time i decided to give modding a try. nothing fancy, thought of maybe just changing some textures. i play the GOG GoTY deluxe version, which is already 1.2.0416. So i followed some instructions here on nexusmods, and at first it was quite frustrating. the last 2 days i spent deleting-reinstalling-deleting... but finally i understood and got it working. at the moment i'm quite ok, with just the textures, but i have several questions. Two (2) actually, and it would be a great help if some veteran obviously more experienced than I would help ease my curiosity.

but first, briefly let me list what i did : installed in this order : oblivion > obse 21 & replaced it with GOG loader > fast exit 2 > OBMM. my mods are (in this precise order) :-
1. UOP 3.5.6b
2. UOP for SI, version 1.5.9a
3. UOP for DLCs version 24
4. QTP3 v1.3 (the 1.7gb single file one)
5. UOP Patch for QTP3 compatibility 3.5.0

that's it. in between each i activated, turning them blue from green. for all conflicts, each higher number (1/2/3/4/5) always overwrote the lesser (no biggie lol only 5 mods) then set BSA Redirect, Clicked reset timestamp, and archive invalidated these series of 5 mods. i started a new game and it *appeared* to have worked. what i want to know is :-

1. could someone mention something obvious that has been changed (i'm at the start so pls something that is near or accessible, or i can coc to some location), that should confirm the 3 UOP mods took effect, so i can go to confirm in-game, because i am not very observant and cannot see very well. good if the change is a very biog, obvious one, like eg. hey this building was not here before etc.

2. when i first created a new game this last successful attempt, i took extra attention to spot any system message on top of the screen to tell me which mods successfully took effect. i got 3 msgs :-
(remember i'm still inside jail, start in a cell at level 1)

i) UOP has been successfully installed
ii) shivering isle plug-in has been successfully installed
iii) fixed follower two-faced bug

is that all... does this seem correct? all the messages a person would get if he/she installed 1-5 above? should i be getting any more messages, perhaps maybe my order of installation was not completely correct? what other messages should i be seeing

thanks in advance, your feedback on this would be appreciated.



Edited by RangerTeamEcho
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If you got those messages then your UOPs are working. Many of the UOP fixes are not obvious (a lot of the fixes made in the later versions are changes/fixes to broken AI or quest tweaking etc). The earliest versions of the UOPs fixed things like floating rock/trees/plants and if you managed to find any of those that may have not already been reported and fixed I think you'd be wise to buy a lottery ticket (i.e. you are experiencing an usual lucky streak ... cash in while you can).


The only example of that I can recall from before using the UOPs is some rocks just NW of Greenmead Cave (look on the opposite side of the road from the cave ... the smaller rocks float about waist high without the UOP).

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thank you very much, i'll take a look at the cave as you suggested.


1 thing i realized, but i do not complain, just wanted to point out : if i had not conducted step number 5 above, that is the compatibility mod, some comparative screenshots showed me that QTP3's textures were more exact. i suppose it could not be helped, because we all want corrected gameplay, for eg. the jail cell right at the start? you face a wall yes? after installing the compatibility mod, i noticed the edge where the floor met the bottom of the wall was a bit too short, it displayed like a crack between the floor and the wall. whereas, at stage 4 above, before the final mod, Qarl's floor precisely locked with the wall..




Here's what i mean. maybe u need to zoom, sry about the quality. see at the corner edge the last pic, that 'white crack' in the green boxed area... it's not part of a design man... i'm only guessing but it could be the edge it's a little out. see the middle pic. QTP3 designer virtually perfect, and the floor texture not so 'plastic' like stock. hard for me to explain, perhaps my photo already degraded too much for u to see actual difference, but it's very clear on my screen.


..i guess i'm asking, do u think the game would be too broken if i did not install the compatibility mod above? cos i really love this guy's art... and i mean, i already have the other 3 UOP portions installed. do u think my game would be crash?

Edited by RangerTeamEcho
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I don't use any texture overhauls (I have plenty of individual texture replacers for various items). I know of the UOP Qarls patch ... just have no experience using it.


You seem to have a good grasp of troubleshooting/testing methodology ... finding an effective and definitive test to prove/disprove something is more than half the battle. You'll do well.

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Yes yes exactly, me too.. i am boring in that way. i don't really look for overhauls, my purpose is to improve the stock texture quality only, with minimal creative artwork. i guess i am a purist. But some ppl who mod on this site, i've seen their work, they are right to be creative... how they make these great mods, some really amazing...


Hi you are really kind, but i'm really just a first-timer. i don't normally mod, just a usual gamer. except now i'm older, and slower, (and almost blind) lol so just wanted to take a break and mess around

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