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[LE] Add item to all male nord npcs upon death

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Hi y'all.
I am working on the update for my mod Head Hunt and I'm having a real hard time adding the head trophies to the npcs, because I am doing this manually and my laptop is from the Age of Stones, which makes everything just worse.
I need advice to do the following:

When any of the nord male npcs die, a specific head item will be added to his inventory so the player can loot and equip it.

I will do this for ALL the npcs, so any way to make things easier would be appreciated.

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Each actor record should have a "death item". This typically points to a leveled list or possibly a form list. You can add your heads to these lists. Either manually in the Creation Kit / xEdit or via script when your mod is first loaded up in the game.


Making it easier than that? No idea. Not without knowing how to code scripts for xEdit to process. Cause I know it would be possible to have xEdit go through all active plugins and add items to the appropriate death lists depending upon race. Just don't know how to do that...

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Oh, well...
Thing is: I'm adding separate heads for each race and, on each race, separate heads for each gender, plus some unique heads for some named npcs.
Guess I'll need to do this manually anyways... But, thank you.

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