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ENB Issues, Realism Tweaker

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I'm pretty good at the whole modding of the game files(whether I find the tweaks is another story) but the ENB plug ins are just confusing to me. I'm using this set: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18753//?

Now I fixed the issues surrounding the sea through guns. Now I'm stuck with water that is seen through terrain. Ala this:

http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/5120/screenshot0fh.png warning 1080p pic

Anyone have any suggestions for this? I love how the world has a warmer glow to it, and not that sickly green look all over like it normally does even after fellout mod, and I'd appreciate being able to leave this one when I play.

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That's been done already.

Actually saw a post on another forum, that led me to turn off everything water releated, and it seems to have fixed it. Not sure it's the right way of doing things but it's fixed all glitches involved

Edited by DeltaFart95
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