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Looking for ideas for my Bag of Holding

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Ha... I already do that... it can be controlled from the MCM... they choose the weight from 0 to 100% of content... and the value is etimated based on content.


Great minds think alike... :D

Edited by TheWanderer001
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I'm looking at having it so the bag can be directly sold... using the estimated value... Probably minus such things as Keys, Lock picks, arrows/bolts, torches and Gold

That is ALL the items are sold and the empty[ish] bag returned and the items added to the vendor.

Not sure what would happen with stolen items though ??? would this force any vendor to buy them ???


But if the bag is transfered to another container have it so the link to the bags temporal portal is broken and only an empty bag is stored.



Don't know how I'm going to do this yet :D

But I thnk it can be done.

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You can have an item in the inventory that represents a container. This item which may be given the gold value of all items stored inside, could be sold. When removed from inventory to a valid container, the item could trigger a removal of stored items into the container that the representative item just went into. Then bring the item back to the player inventory. Now if you want to limit the items that get transferred to the merchant, then it would be best to limit the gold value of the representative item to just the total of those limited items.


This would be the equivalent of:

Player: "I want to sell whatever is in this bag."

[merchant weighs bag, hands over a sum of gold, pours bag contents into a container for later sorting and hands bag back]

Merchant: "Thanks for doing business."

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