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Textureing tips for a beginner?


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Hello, Nexus.

I started making weapon mods a week ago. I have made three weapons in that week. But the textures for two of the weapons suck and one is just.... ehh. I am looking for some tips and tricks or techniques to texture a mesh to make it blend into the game. I am using photoshop and zbrush to texture (using the ZappLink feature). I have studied some vanilla textures to get a feel of it, and below is what i came up with. Any help or constructive critisism is appreciated. And if you have any comments on the mesh, I would like to hear those too. Thanks in advance.


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Hello, Nexus.

I started making weapon mods a week ago. I have made three weapons in that week. But the textures for two of the weapons suck and one is just.... ehh. I am looking for some tips and tricks or techniques to texture a mesh to make it blend into the game. I am using photoshop and zbrush to texture (using the ZappLink feature). I have studied some vanilla textures to get a feel of it, and below is what i came up with. Any help or constructive critisism is appreciated. And if you have any comments on the mesh, I would like to hear those too. Thanks in advance.



For reference images and other resources, check out cgtextures.com. Most of the big name game developers use that website too. For an actual course on texturing a weapon, check out this tesalliance link. Good luck!

Edited by Kraeten
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