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I can't see my esp file!


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Im running windows 7 64-bit os and morrowind GOTY.

i made a small mod in morrowind, basic shack. i can save my mod and open again in the CS but i cant see the created .esp file.

i know where it is supposed to be, its just not there. i even tried saving to my desktop, but i still cant see the file. i have hidden files and folders visible, still nothing.

/ C: / Program Files (x86) / Bethesda Softworks / Morrowind / Data Files /

is'nt it supposed to be in a "plugins" folder? i don't see any .esp files in here, but i can see the .esm and .bsa files.


please help. i would really like to know why this is happening. my guess is something lame with windows 7... :(

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I remember having this happen to me back in the Morrowind days, but I can't remember how I found it.
It's late, so maybe it will come to me when I'm not so tired. If I do remember I will get on here right away and tell you! :smile:

Edited by K00L
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i know i've seen this same issue before from searching google, but with no apparent answer.

i tried it on my girlfriend's new laptop, but i got the same problem. .esp files dont seem to like windows 7

its probably something simple, i dunno...

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i read somewhere on a microsoft forum someone was also having trouble seeing their .esp files. someone mentioned running the CS as an administrator once fixed it. i tried this and it really scared me because all i could see under data files in the CS was just the .esm files! i closed out thinking all my hard work in .esp files were gone for good. ran CS again normally and i can load and save my .esp files again no problem... just. I still can't see them in windows explorer.

I would very much so like to copy my .esp file to another computer.

I don't understand what i'm doing wrong here :(

like one day back into morrowind modding and this is what i get.

im so frustrated with this.

how come this stuff didn't happen when i was younger?

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actually, sorry about all that other stuff.

i just found the solution to my problem.

i was crawling through another forum when someone mentioned this concerning lost .esp files for oblivion




By Azura, thats it! found all my "missing" .esp files


so just in case this is happening to anyone else, check there, because windows is dumb like that.

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