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Character Spreads


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Well, I'm bored, tired, and kinda curious. whenever I come up with ideas for oblivion characters I right them down in a defined format because i won't remember it through until the end of the day when i get back to my computer. So, my question is, do you guys do something similar? or just the hardcore roleplayers? maybe even not at all? if so, what is your current idea like?


my current couple of character ideas are a triton taken from the siren and triton mod who raids shipwrecks where nobody else can go, while my other one is a half-troll knight errant travelling the land to prove himself worthy of more than just the sneers of the people around him

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I tend to keep ideas for my characters in my head, and I tend to keep them vague, and concise to leave room for future development. My current character began the game as Lucien's Silencer, as I wanted to play the Dark Brotherhood quest, and I also wanted to go for a redemption angle with this character. She doesn't start out in The Dungeon of the Imperial City, she winds up there later when her past with the Dark Brotherhood catches up with her. That's when I'll start the main quest. Anyway she was charged to investigate the Cheydinhal Sanctuary for a traitor since no one outside of the Blackhand would recognize her as being Dark Brotherhood thus she could enter as a new recruit all the while secretly being Lucien's eyes and ears in there. One thing leads to another and she realizes the Dark Brotherhood has been using her all along, and so she in a way helped the traitor, and killed The Night Mother.


Right now after killing the Night Mother, shattering The Blackhand, and shortly after trying to kill herself. She's a Skooma addict, fighting in the arena and working for the thieves guild just to get money to feed her ever growing addiction. She's not exactly emotionally stable at the moment suffice to say. She's mooching off a 'friend' of sorts who she met in the bloodworks, a fellow blue team member in the Arena, staying at her place. But all the money she makes from Arena matches, as well as her secret side job in the thieves guild goes towards her Skooma habit, so she isn't big on sharing the rent.


Err link to her antics,




The idea came to me after not having played Oblivion in a long time. What if I play this seemingly ruthless assassin, that by the end of things goes through a long difficult road to atone, and redeem themselves?


By the way my favorite pic in there has to be when she confronts The Night Mother, I think I'm going to upload a high resolution image of that to The Nexus,



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