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i robot

Blaze of flames

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Thank you for proving my point so well. It's an absolute destruction of a great book when you can't even place the movie in the same category! Here's a hint, I Robot is one of the more important SCIENCE FICTION novels in history.
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My point exactly. It's an insult to the author to use the same name, while completely changing everything about the original. Especially when the author/book are loved by so many people in the original form.


It's just like if someone made "Lord of the Rings" as a horror/comedy film, it would be an absolute insult to Tolkien.

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Thats why i think books should not be made into movies. Just video games. Now I know games can still screw up some story lines and all but I'd stil rather see a book go into a game then a movie. hahaha hope they dont make a game out of Irobot....*prays* please dont jinx that. please dont jinx that...


I'm feeling tierd right now so please go easy on me if i made some rediculous point or something...

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Thats why i think books should not be made into movies.

The Lord of the Rings. Excalibur. To Kill A Mockingbird.


Those are just three great films that were adapted from books. LotR was, of course, taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy trilogy. Excalibur was adapted from myriad sources, including The Knights of the Round Table and The Once and Future King. To Kill A Mockingbird was taken from a book that every high school student in the US has seen.


Here's a list of great movies adapted from video games:



I rest my case.

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