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New modder, new Papyrus scripter, strange bug.


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As I can see IsharaMeradin has given you a lot of help. Sometimes it's a good idea to take an advice.


1) If you have an issue with papyrus you should post here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4070-skyrim-special-edition-creation-kit-and-modders/


2) If you post papyrus code "mark the whole content" and use the icon <> in the mainbar above your posting text.


3) I wonder how do you get the OnAnimationEvent() to trigger? You never register for this inside your script.




Scriptname ConvenientAxe extends ObjectReference
;Scriptname CLWATakeAxe extends ObjectReference

{Grabs a required item from the surrounding area. Attach to the same object ResourceFurnitureScript is attached to.}
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10050898-new-modder-new-papyrus-scripter-strange-bug/

; GamingZacharyC wrote: "The script is only attached to one Wood Chopping Block",
;                        "a Wood Chopping Block in Ivarstead (IvarsteadExterior04)"

  Formlist PROPERTY preferredItemList auto  
    {List of items that the script will prefer to take}

  Formlist PROPERTY requiredItemList auto            ; use vanilla list of "woodChoppingAxes"
    {List of items for the attached ResourceFurnitureScript that the script will take, if needed}

  Message PROPERTY TookItemMessage auto
    {Message to say that a required item was grabbed from somewhere nearby}

  Message PROPERTY FailureMessage auto  
    {Message to show when the script cannot find any required item. Make sure to use an empty message in ResourceFurnitureScript!}

  Float PROPERTY fSearchRadius = 100000.0 auto        ; hundred thousand units as default
    {How far to search for a viable item?}

  ObjectReference ThatItem            ; store itemRef here to make it persistent by scripting

; -- EVENTs -- 3 + "Busy"

EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
IF (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    not player activated!
IF (akActionRef.GetItemCount(requiredItemList) > 0)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    player has (at least) one item from the itemlist in his inventory
    gotoState("Busy")                ; ### STATE ###
    gotoState("")                    ; ### STATE ###

EVENT OnCellDetach()  ; failsafe, player has left the parent cell of this object
IF ( ThatItem )
    myF_Remove( Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference )    

state Busy  ; do not handle activation event for a while
    EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

EVENT OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
IF ( ThatItem )
;;;    IF (asEventName == "IdleFurnitureExit")        ; not really needed in this script, only one name has been registered
        myF_Remove(akSource)    ; wood chopping has ended
;;;    ENDIF

; -- FUNCTIONs -- 2

FUNCTION myF_Remove(ObjectReference playeRef)
; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=UnregisterForAnimationEvent_-_Form

;;;    Utility.Wait(0.25)                            ; maybe this wait is required here !?
    UnRegisterForAnimationEvent(playerRef, "IdleFurnitureExit")

    playerRef.RemoveItem(ThatItem.GetBaseObject(), 1, TRUE)                ; remove the player given object to Nirvana
    ThatItem = None                                                        ; remove script persistent of Ref

FUNCTION myF_Action(ObjectReference playerRef)
; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef_-_Game
; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=RegisterForAnimationEvent_-_Form

    IF ( preferredItemList )
        ThatItem = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(preferredItemList, playerRef, fSearchRadius)
        ThatItem = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(requiredItemList,  playerRef, fSearchRadius)

    IF ( ThatItem )
        playerRef.AddItem(ThatItem.GetBaseObject(), 1, TRUE)              ; give player the item by creating a new object
        self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(playerRef, "IdleFurnitureExit")    ; returns boolVar, register first to trigger OnAnimationEvent()
        ThatItem.Disable(TRUE)                                            ; disable original item object
        TookItemMessage.Show()                                            ; show msg of success
        self.Activate(playerRef, TRUE)                                    ; initiate wood chopping by fake a player activation
        FailureMessage.Show()        ; no object found in search radius


Edited by ReDragon2013
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3) I wonder how do you get the OnAnimationEvent() to trigger? You never register for this inside your script.

That's taken care of in vanilla's ResourceFurnitureScript, which is present in all objects this script is attached to.

Edited by GamingZacharyC
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