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Normal maps and cubemaps not loading on Nifskope 2.0 Dev 7


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So, recently my PC had some issues and I basically lost every single piece of software I had, so after finally reinstalling and setting up everything I could go back to modding.
So I decided to change to the most recent version of Nifskope, I have always used Pre Alpha 6 I think, and always worked perfectly, but as the title states I can't make normals and cubemaps load and show on Nifskope Dev 7, only the Diffuse map appears for some reason.

For some reason, the texture path boxes looks like this:



This is how it looks on 2.0 Dev 7:




This is how it looked on 2.0 Alpha 6:


Please give some light here, I am completely lost


Edited by FunkyGandalfCat
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I am also using Dev. 7 and never had this happen, Just change the texture path.


Also, due to Windows User Account Control, "Program Files" is the worst place to have the game installed.

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I tried changing the texture path but didn't work

I doubt it would have to do with windows program files, since I have always used nifskope with my game installed there and never had any problems.
I must have messed up something else

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