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Would you upgrade your pc just to play skyrim?


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Ok so I am just now getting into pc gaming and Skyrim is awesome so far. I recently installed some graphic mods and they looked amazing but made my fps drop. Right now with very few mods I can run on the high setting and get the occasional stutter while turning or drawing my weapon.


This is my current set up:

i5 3330 CPU

Gigabyte H77M-d3h

Gtx 650 SC graphics card

8gb ddr3 ram

450w power supply


That was my first pc build and never planned on overclocking but now I want to upgrade to:


i5 3570k(will overclock)

Gigabyte ga-z77X-ud3h

SLI another gtx 650

8gb ram(keeping the same for now)

750w PSU


Do you guys think it's worth it considering I most likely won't be playing skyrim forever, I really want to put a lot of graphic mods on this game before I finish the game. But I could also just hold out until better hardware comes out.


What do you guys recommend?

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Pretty much any graphics card around $180-$220 should run skyrim with quite a few mods just fine, on medium graphics, which actualy look quite good (Xbox 360 quality). It might not look as good as it could, but if you want to play with tons of graphics mods and the best possibe graphics you can make your computer show, be prepared to spend $350-$500 on the graphics card alone. It's a shame that technically Skyrim costs $350+$60 to play on decent graphics...

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Would I? Absolutely! In fact, I had a Walmart special made by Acer. I put Skyrim on it and it didn't run. I upgraded the video card but since the case was slim (small form factor), I had to take everything out and put it in a full-size case. After that, I found that the video card needed more juice so I bought a much bigger power supply (nearly twice the wattage rating as the original). Once that was complete, my addiction began.

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The only thing holding you back is your graphics card. Get a 6850, download RadeonPro, and you're set.


I would not ask for computer advice on this forum. There are far too many technologically-ignorant-makey-up-ies on this forum. Go on Tomshardware for opinions founded on fact, rather than imaginary nonsense.


And it's up to you to upgrade your PC. Not us.

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I wish I had a setup like your current one. And doubling your power consumption is not necessarily a good idea. Maybe want to rethink that idea.


You're thinking about the power supply, aren'tcha?


The watt rating on a PSU is the MAXIMUM output. The PSU will only provide as much juice as the components need. No more, no less.

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I actually did just upgrade my PC primarily to play skyrim. Of course my previous pc was about 4-6 years old and wasn't exactly top of the line even then heh. Just finished putting it all together a couple days ago and am soo much happier now that I can play skyrim with all the mods I kept drooling over before.


AMD FX 8350 8 core 4.0ghz processor

Radeon HD 7950

8 gigs ram

120 gig SSD (now that I've experienced windows boot times on an ssd, I'll never use anything else to install an OS on lol)

3 TB 7200rpm hdd


Also upgraded from a 19 inch monitor to 27 inch. :)

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