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When political rhetoric become dangerous (Ricin laced letters)


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Case closed end of topic! :teehee: or is it? (could be some giant NRA conspiracy) *** whistles the X-files theme song*** ;D

TRoaches wins the debate by a "narrow victory".... Congrats to TRoaches!!! :dance:

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But wait! Where did she get the idea to do this? Surely she could not have come up with this idea all on her own. Someone must have planted the idea in her head. We must hold others accountable for her actions!


So, colourwheel.....Who else is to blame for this? You have maintained thus far that a person would not do such a thing without being influenced by someone prominent. Who influenced this person? Who should be held accountable, and expected to condemn her actions?

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Don't like winning a debate with so many losses? ;D


Just remember you asked for it...


Let the debate continue .... :dance:


But wait! Where did she get the idea to do this? Surely she could not have come up with this idea all on her own. Someone must have planted the idea in her head. We must hold others accountable for her actions!


If you are suggesting someone else should be held accountable for "actions" she did, thats on you go ahead and start a narrative on that. Who do you think should be held accountable for her "actions" besides her? :rolleyes:


Being held accountable for "actions" is different from being held accountable for what people "say"....




If someone screams "fire" in a crowded theater where as there is an actual fire that is happening, the person won't be held accountable for the actual fire unless they created it. But the person will be held accountable for causing panic and chaos that would most likely lead to people being hurt by trampling over others in the commotion to evacuate...



Who else is to blame for this? You have maintained thus far that a person would not do such a thing without being influenced by someone prominent. Who influenced this person?


The Blame is solely put on the woman who framed her husband and according to authorities she was influenced from the original Ricin mailer from a month ago. She was just a copycat. Also if you ask me, the narrative of the letters was obviously influenced from the false dangerous rhetoric that LaPierre has been spewing out the last few years. Where as this gave her the idea to target Obama,Bloomberg, and a gun control group the mayor supports to mislead in her actual motive which lead the focus on the recent gun control debate narrative... She used the message to mislead people into thinking some gun nut was the perpetrator. TRoaches, Isn't that so obvious now to you or not? :rolleyes: Please feel free to let us hear your thoughts now since you seem to be "speculating" there "must" be more to it... :psyduck:

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Don't like winning a debate with so many losses? ;D

I did not realize that a score was being kept, but if this is the case I hardly feel like I am losing.



If you are suggesting someone else should be held accountable for "actions" she did, thats on you go ahead and start a narrative on that. Who do you think should be held accountable for her "actions" besides her?


I don't think anyone should ever be held accountable for the actions of another person. That was your premise, not mine. I just wondered who you thought should be blamed now that it is obvious that gun control policy had nothing to do with it. It seems that your accountability theory is only being applied when it can be conveniently used to demonize someone you disagree with.



The Blame is solely put on the woman who framed her husband and according to authorities she was influenced from the original Ricin mailer from a month ago. She was just a copycat. Also if you ask me, the narrative of the letters was obviously influenced from the false dangerous rhetoric that LaPierre has been spewing out the last few years.


As the NPR article points out, the other ricin mailer was also found to be a fraud who was trying to frame another person for the crime due to a personal dispute. The content of those letters from gave no mention to guns or gun control and did not resemble anything that LaPierre has ever said. They were very vague rants that made no mention of any policy.




She used the message to mislead people into thinking some gun nut was the perpetrator.

It sounds like the idea that the world is in danger from "gun nuts" may be one of those false narratives that you keep mentioning. Maybe the people who spread that false narrative should be held accountable!

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Don't like winning a debate with so many losses? ;D

I did not realize that a score was being kept, but if this is the case I hardly feel like I am losing.


Well you certainly are not winning anymore than you already have... If you have already won a debate and insist on the debate to continue you can only lose.... ;D



If you are suggesting someone else should be held accountable for "actions" she did, thats on you go ahead and start a narrative on that. Who do you think should be held accountable for her "actions" besides her?


I don't think anyone should ever be held accountable for the actions of another person.


Then why even bring it up? :rolleyes:



As the NPR article points out, the other ricin mailer was also found to be a fraud who was trying to frame another person for the crime due to a personal dispute. The content of those letters from gave no mention to guns or gun control and did not resemble anything that LaPierre has ever said. They were very vague rants that made no mention of any policy.


You seem to be forgetting she targeted Obama, Bloomberg, and a gun control group the mayor supports. These people and groups are surrounding the current gun control debate in america. Just filling in some peice for you where as it can be linked to someone like LaPierre or NRA gun advocates.....

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Then why even bring it up? :rolleyes:


I did not bring it up. You did, by starting a thread based on the false narrative that rhetoric oppositional to gun control policy was somehow responsible for the ricin letters. You also claimed that spreading rhetoric based on a false narrative could create such a level fear and paranoia that it should not be considered a protected form of free speech, akin to falsely shouting fire in a theater. Now that your narrative has been proven to be false do you should, according to your own standard of responsible speech, feel some responsibility to set the record straight and clarify that LaPierre's opinion is not a danger to society as you earlier claimed it to be. You should also condemn anyone else in the media who falsely blamed the attacks on LaPierre. Like you said, it is the responsible thing to do. According to your own standard you must be held accountable for your political speech. Remember all of that talk about slander? It has been proven that you have been slandering LaPierre to quite an extent by falsely claiming that the letters were related to his speech.


Again, I don't think you should have to say or do anything. I am just applying your own standard of responsibility to your political expression.

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Then why even bring it up? :rolleyes:



I did not bring it up.


I was referring to your assessment to holding accountability to "actions"...


here you remember writing this....



We must hold others accountable for her actions!


Remember you said this not me.... :rolleyes:

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I thought I was being sufficiently thick with the sarcasm when I said that we must hold others accountable for her actions. You ARE the one who has been pushing that idea.


It is interesting that you no longer feel this is necessary now that you are the one who, according to your own standard of responsibility in public political speech, is refusing to do what you consider to be the responsible thing and retract your earlier slanderous statements about LaPierre. Your position was that LaPierre's statements are fostering violence, and this has been proven to be a false narrative. If you were willing to apply that same standard to yourself then you should retract that slanderous false narrative. It is, according to your rhetoric, the responsible thing to do. You seem unwilling to do this. Why do you hold others to a standard that you are not willing to hold yourself to?

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I thought I was being sufficiently thick with the sarcasm when I said that we must hold others accountable for her actions. You ARE the one who has been pushing that idea.


Where in this entire thread did I say anyone "should" be held "accountable" for others "actions"?

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You said that LaPierre should be held accountable for "false rhetoric" that you incorrectly linked to the ricin letters. You repeated this many times.

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