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When political rhetoric become dangerous (Ricin laced letters)


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I don't think you have gotten any more than you give Colour.


Its a big topic. People including you have strong opinions on this one. And yeah you opened it so folks are going to debate with you.

If you feel someone has stepped over the line then please report them.


I will take myself from it at this point.

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And how is what you're suggesting any less of a persecution? We can both argue the falseness of these positions until we're blue in the face. The problem is whether or not the rhetoric actually told the psychos to do what they did. The answer to that is no.


Freedom of speech means tolerating differing world views and not seeking to punish entire institutions for the actions of of a few. If we did that, then the only freedom we have is to parrot what the government tells us to do. I hear it's not fun.

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Freedom of speech means tolerating differing world views and not seeking to punish entire institutions for the actions of of a few. If we did that, then the only freedom we have is to parrot what the government tells us to do. I hear it's not fun.


I can't argue with that. I completely agree with you on this, with the exception where speech leads to infringe on other peoples freedoms and/or people being harmed.




The problem is whether or not the rhetoric actually told the psychos to do what they did. The answer to that is no.


And how are you so certain on this? how do you know the answer is "no" when it's an ongoing investigation?

Edited by colourwheel
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My thought is Radical Right wing rhetoric is to blame for this persons extreme to commit domestic terror and making threats to end the lives of Obama and bloomberg.

And how are you so certain on this? How do you know that "Radical Right wing rhetoric is to blame" when it's an ongoing investigation?


You can't have it both ways, Colour. If you want to apply a standard to someone then apply to yourself, first.

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My thought is Radical Right wing rhetoric is to blame for this persons extreme to commit domestic terror and making threats to end the lives of Obama and bloomberg.


And how are you so certain on this? How do you know that "Radical Right wing rhetoric is to blame" when it's an ongoing investigation?


Did I say it is a mater of "fact" the rhetoric is to blame? no!


I was stating my "thought" on the situation. Doing more research during the course of the Thread I have found it extremely compleling how the persons written message in the letters echos LaPierre's false rhetoric in almost every speech that has been publiclly put on the record.


The use of "God-given right" has been a repeated phrase used over and over again by the Radical Right wing in the political spectrum in the recent years. Never heard this phase used over and over again in any left wing rhetoric. When the right wing stops using the claim pointing to "God" in their narrative maybe it could be argued the message was more ambiguous when pointing to it's political motive.


but going back to my original question... How do you know the answer is "no" when it's an ongoing investigation?

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So where does Mr. Lapierre's rhetoric call for the assassination of political figures? Where does the term "God-given rights" incite people to violence? It's an awfully weak case to even try to pin those as causing anyone harm and holding anyone responsible for someone else's violence.

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So where does Mr. Lapierre's rhetoric call for the assassination of political figures?


He has never called for the assassination of anyone. Yet... Lapierre has stated in many of his speechs advocating the need to get rid of Obama in office or he will destroy the 2nd amendment.



Where does the term "God-given rights" incite people to violence?


Referring to their right to bare arms as a "God-given right"? Isn't a Fire Arm a weapon with the sole purpose to inflict physical injury? Inflicting physical injury is kinda violent I would think.


Juderodney let me ask you this...


What do you think motivated this person to send out these ricin laced letters to public officals?


Where could this person possibly have gotten the idea someone is going to come to their house and take their precious fire arms away?


I have asked this question several times now in this thread yet no one has even tried to post an opinion on it.

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What do you think motivated this person to send out these ricin laced letters to public officals?


Where could this person possibly have gotten the idea someone is going to come to their house and take their precious fire arms away?


To the first question: a misguided sense of patriotism and a warped perception of self-defense. Instead he made a decision that will land him in jail for a very long time. By the way, he deserves to be.


The second question is irrelevant. Millions of people heard and believe what Lapierre said yet only one man decided to assassinate or scare public officials in such a way. Millions of people have also heard and believed the environmentalist belief that the Earth is doomed unless we do something about it, yet only one decided to break into the Discovery Channel and force a change in their programming. In the end it's like blaming violent videos games for school shootings.

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In August 2012 Floyd Corkins entered the Washington D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council and began shooting. Thankfully he only managed to wound a security guard, who then subdued him until he was arrested. During the investigation that followed he stated, very specifically, that he chose his target based on information that he got from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC had listed the organization that he targeted as an anti-gay hate group. His plan was to kill as many people as possible and smother Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in their faces as a political statement about that companies positions related to gay rights.


Colourwheel: Given that Corkins very specifically stated to investigators that the information found on the SPLC website was the reason for the attack on the FRC do you believe that the SPLC should be held accountable for his actions? If so, how severe should the SPLC's punishment be, in your opinion? If not, why?

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Colourwheel: Given that Corkins very specifically stated to investigators that the information found on the SPLC website was the reason for the attack on the FRC do you believe that the SPLC should be held accountable for his actions? If so, how severe should the SPLC's punishment be, in your opinion? If not, why?


If you ask me... Despite if the organization he targeted was based on misleading info or the truth, a joint statement was issued by 25 LGBT groups condemning Corkins' action. I think they were responcible enough to come forward and set the record straight. When pointing to accountablity where the motive might have been set in motion leading to Corkin actually executing this horrible thing.


Concidering in light of recent events surrounding these ricin laced letters, maybe LaPierre as the spokes person for gun owners around the nation should take the "personal responcibility" and condemn this persons action based on the rhetoric found in the letters and set the record straight that no one is going to come to anyones home and take away their precious fire arms. Since no one has been officially held acountable for these letters or caught and it's very possible they could countinue to be sent out leading to the average american coming into contact with this toxin laced on these dangerous letters.


LaPierre is not stupid. I am sure he is up to date with current events and knowing that the rhetoric found in the letters echos from almost every Slanderous speech he has made about Obama and gun control in the past two years. Unless he is dirrectly connected to these dangerous letters he really should make a public statement regaurding them...

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