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Someone I do not recognize at my wedding....


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I noticed the weirdest guest at my characters wedding, my toon was marrying Borgakh Steel Heart and among the guests sitting next to commander Maro on my side of the aisle was this ghost lady named Ilfhild Merilion. Who the hell is she and why is she at my toons wedding?

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Do you perchance have this mod?



A google search on the character name yielded a hit on that mod's description. There are two ghost companions a merchant and his daughter.


If you have that mod, it may be possible that whatever faction relations they are in with regards to the player is enough to cause one of them to attend the wedding.


That's just conjecture. Otherwise I have no clue.

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Do you perchance have this mod?



A google search on the character name yielded a hit on that mod's description. There are two ghost companions a merchant and his daughter.


If you have that mod, it may be possible that whatever faction relations they are in with regards to the player is enough to cause one of them to attend the wedding.


That's just conjecture. Otherwise I have no clue.


Huh, guess that explains it, since I do have said mod, though I haven't really pursued it all that much, and this is on a fresh character I made a week ago. Odd though considering on said new character I haven't even started the quest line of the mod yet.

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