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Will this PC be good for Skyrim?

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Im in the process of getting my first gaming PC and I was wondering is this one good enough?


CPU: AMD AM3+ x4 FX-41340 3.8ghz quad core
MOBO: MSI 760gm-p23
CPU: Gigabyte 2gb HD6670 (most likley upgrading to HD7770 only $40 extra)
RAM: Patriot 4gb DDr3
HDD: western digital 500gb
CASE: Coolmaster Elite RC-335
Windows 7 home premium OEM


What settings will it run Skyrim on? im happy with medium but high would be a bonus, I will be putting mods on aswel, ones that add to citys and towns, like how they make dawnstar a proper city and clothing stuff aswell.

So will this PC run skyrim or not?



its $560 all up

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Is windows x32 or x64? If its x64 I'd recommend getting 8gb of RAM. RAM is do cheap there is no reason not to build/buy a PC with any less then 8gb. Will you need it? Probably not in all honesty but its good to have for the future


If your windows is only x32 then getting more RAM won't do anything since x32 can only use up to 4gb. In this case however if possible I'd grab an x64 copy of windows instead. It's usually the same price as x32 anyways. And then grab more RAM.


to answer your question yes it'll play skyrim. Skyrim is more CPU heavy then GPU. Idk what settings but I'm sure you could google it. Just google ur GPU and CPU and see how they fair against skyrim.

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That's good enough to beat the PS3 or 360, easily. Beyond that, the question isn't very specific.


Also, YES you should definitely get the 7770 instead of a 6670.

Edited by Rennn
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