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Can't download mods from Nexus


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Sorry if this has come up before.


Basically my problem is that I can't download anything from Nexus, I've tried using 7-zip and that didn't work, and when I try to save the file I get an error message that says "Windows cannot open file:" then it gives the information for whatever mod I was trying to get. I have been able to get some mods from other sites, such as Curse, but I havent been able to find the same amount of mods available there.


I'm sure my problem is operator error, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Please help if you can.

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The easiest way and most foolproof way to download nexus mods is to use the Nexus Mod Manager.

(There is also the Mod Organizer that some folks like, but I've never tried it.)


Most nexus mods use 7-zip...when you say that you downloaded it and "it didn't work" what happened, exactly. It might be that you need to right-click the 7-zip .exe file and click on "run as an Administrator." (for Windows 7)

You really need 7-zip to extract files that were compressed with 7-zip. If you are trying to use WinRar or something else, that could be the issue. (Though 7zip can handle .rar files.)

Also if you are trying to open files that have not been extracted, that could be your problem. (the message you report suggests this.)


There is information about using NMM on the Nexus Wiki.

You can also find a video about using 7-zip here.


Finally, seeing as you appear to be new to modding, I suggest to download and use BOSS to sort your mods -- it's a regular program that helps reduce the possible problems caused by less that optimal load order.

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I figured it out. I had a security setting on that wouldnt allow me to download NMM and a bad download of 7-zip. After downloading a different version and fixing the alert for NMM I am up and running.


Thanks for the help.

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