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Skyrim modding, can I use NMM on Steam bought Skyrim?


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The title of my post say it all, I am new to modding as well as the world of PC gaming,-save WOW and Diablo 2-and am endlessly curious and naive about the subject. But I digress, can anyone tell me if it is possible to use nexus mods to modify Skyrim I bought from and use on steam? I'll use steam mods if I have to, but to be frank I've heard that as a general rule of thumb that Nexus is a better modding site and alot better community so I'd have a preferance for something like that over anything else. Sorry for the inconvenience if I have placed this post in the wrong thread.

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Of course. :)


Steam is required for Skyrim. Even if you have a store-bought hard copy (as I do), you need Steam to activate it. You can use both the Steam Workshop and the NMM to download, install, and manage mods simultaneously.


I prefer the Nexus myself, but I use both. So let me just say - good choice and welcome to the community!

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Of course. :smile:


Steam is required for Skyrim. Even if you have a store-bought hard copy (as I do), you need Steam to activate it. You can use both the Steam Workshop and the NMM to download, install, and manage mods simultaneously.


I prefer the Nexus myself, but I use both. So let me just say - good choice and welcome to the community!

Thank you so much for answering my question! :D I was soooo worried that I had bought the game on steam for nothing. ;3; I'm glad that I was told right about the welcoming and kind additude of this commmunity! :3 I hate to pester, but could you list some mods that are good as well? I suppose that would be okay for this Skyrim mod talk thread right? I'm wondering what mods people would suggest, I asked a friend once but they kinda shrugged and basically said they have a ps3 so they wouldnt know.

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Climates of Tamriel, Skyrim HD, IMAGINATOR, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Deadly Dragons, Apocalypse Spell Package, Empowered Magic, Duel - Combat Realism.


Also, choose a face textures mod. There are dozens, so it's your choice, but I use Better Females - Natural Edition.

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