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Everything posted by ilikecheese1337

  1. It's not a "one or the other" situation. Some mods aren't compatible with the DLCs, true, but the overwhelming majority are. The DLCs are generally liked. Personally, I love Dawnguard and Dragonborn but dislike Hearthfire, which is a smaller DLC that causes no end of bugs for me. Popular advice is to play the game to begin with with few mods - perhaps just a few graphics and atmosphere mods - then to get cracking with more dramatic changes after you've played the mostly-vanilla game. My advice, though, is to be cautious, but to install the mods you think will be of benefit from the beginning. Installing the DLCs you want before the mods would be your best bet, as it'll save you the bother later on of going through your mod list installing patches to make them DLC compatible. As for the article you posted, it's a little bit out of date. First and foremost, Midas Magic? Seriously? That mod gets a lot of love that it doesn't deserve due to Oblivion nostalgia. It's a buggy mess that hasn't been updated in years with overpowered spells. It's overshadowed entirely by many, many other mods. I cannot recommend Apocalypse Spell Package enough - it's like MM, only without all of the crippling issues and with far more interesting spells. Also, that list doesn't mention any overhauls. Skyrim Redone, AKA SkyRe, has a lot of support here. The following is purely my opinion, as it all comes down to taste: personally I dislike it. It simultaneously causes quite a lot of conflicts and doesn't provide very radical change. It feels gimmicky and tacky. By contrast, I favour Requiem. It's an old-school overhaul that is compatible with most things and fixes a lot of issues. Requiem is quite hard, though, so it's not for everyone. It does make the gameplay far more vibrant, immediate and exciting than vanilla or SkyRe. Finally, I'll recommend Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lighting and FX and Realistic Nights. The first of those provides amazing outdoor lighting and weather. The second two make for gameplay changes: they make dungeons and nights actually immersive and dark. In my opinion, there's nothing quite like the actual gameplay challenge of a dozen Draugr with bows, who will kill you in two shots, firing from the pitch darkness of Bleak Falls Barrow. Happy modding!
  2. "Last night, I heard about a new species of rat, and wondered what it looked like." In that sentence, I'm talking about last night. In hers, Serana is talking about the time before she was locked away. Warning: I'm going to go a bit linguistics-nerdy. There are two verbs here: "wonder" and "look", in the sense of "have an appearance". It's a content clause, so since Serana uses the same sequence ("wondered", "looked"), she's talking about the Dwemer having an appearance at the same time that she's wondering - namely, before she was locked away and before the Dwemer disappeared. Serana would be grammatically incorrect to say, "I wondered what the Dwemer look like". You would be correct if she were to say "I wonder what the Dwemer looked like", because then she would be wondering after the Dwemer had looked. What may be confusing is the example, "I always have wondered/I've always wondered what the Dwemer look like". It's a weird little distinction, but it's to do with sequence, not tense. "I have done" is the same sequence as "I do", because they're both rooted in the present, if you see what I mean.
  3. I had the same issue. Do you have AFT or UFO? Either way, there may be an issue with the game not recognising you as having no followers: open the console and type set playerfollowercount to 0.
  4. Hi all, My graphics card is Nvidia GeForce GT 630M, 1GB VRAM. I recently updated from ENB.193 (which I was using without graphics for ENBoost) to .254. I wanted to disable all effects aside from parallax and water parallax. Upon installing the new ENB, Skyrim started using onboard Intel graphics rather than Nvidia. As you can imagine, this didn't go too well. Skyrim uses Nvidia as usual if I remove ENB .254's d3d9 file, and ENB .193 works perfectly, but .254 doesn't seem to be loading Nvidia graphics. The problem persists even if I disable graphics (using UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true) Is this a known problem? I couldn't find any mention of it, but perhaps my Google-fu has failed me. Can anyone offer advice? I'm going to try some other ENB versions. Thanks. Here is the relevant enblocal.ini: [PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=d3d9_hialgo.dll [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=falseUseDefferedRendering=trueIgnoreCreationKit=trueForceFakeVideocard=false [PERFORMANCE]SpeedHack=trueEnableOcclusionCulling=true [MULTIHEAD]ForceVideoAdapterIndex=falseVideoAdapterIndex=0 [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=trueReduceSystemMemoryUsage=falseDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=64VideoMemorySizeMb=2000EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [WINDOW]ForceBorderless=falseForceBorderlessFullscreen=false [ENGINE]ForceAnisotropicFiltering=trueMaxAnisotropy=16ForceLodBias=falseLodBias=0.0AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=falseEnableVSync=falseVSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER]WaitBusyRenderer=falseEnableFPSLimit=falseFPSLimit=10.0 [iNPUT]//shiftKeyCombination=16//f12KeyUseEffect=123//homeKeyFPSLimit=36//num / 106KeyShowFPS=106//print screenKeyScreenshot=44//enterKeyEditor=13//f4KeyFreeVRAM=115 [ADAPTIVEQUALITY]Enable=falseQuality=1DesiredFPS=20.0 [ANTIALIASING]EnableEdgeAA=falseEnableTemporalAA=falseEnableSubPixelAA=falseEnableTransparencyAA=false [FIX]FixGameBugs=trueFixParallaxBugs=trueFixAliasedTextures=trueIgnoreInventory=trueFixSsaoHairTransparency=trueFixTintGamma=trueRemoveBlur=falseFixSubSurfaceScattering=trueFixSkyReflection=trueFixCursorVisibility=true
  5. For 99.9% of cases, it's best to click "Download With Manager". Then, just double-click the mod once it's downloaded and let NMM worry about it for you. Those mods shouldn't cause issues, and you have good taste. Recommendations: Requiem Thunderchild (by Apoc's author) Deadly Dragons
  6. Thank you for your replies. I've tried sleeping and pcb. No difference. I don't have SIC, and I shudder to think about what issues could arrive from installing it and then uninstalling it just to use the reset function. I know that the cell is not resetting because dropped items won't disappear. This problem persists throughout waiting for 31 days using set timescale. Are there any mods that change the way cell resetting works, or any commands I'm missing?
  7. Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble. An old version of the Apocalypse Spell Package (the bug has since been removed) had a problem with a spell called "Levitate" that could, for some races, leave invisible walls where the character flew. This problem has happened for me all over Solitude, outside the Solitude gate and in other parts of the world. Fortunately, I am informed that since the walls are spawned, a cell reset should remove them. However, I'm not actually able to get the cells to reset. SolitudeExterior01 is one of the worst affected, with a giant triangular wall blocking the path. I used the console to go to the Sleeping Giant Inn, used pcb, set the timescale to 100000 and waited for 31 ingame days. I used pcb again and went to check - but the wall was still there. I know the cell isn't resetting because I then dropped some items around the area and repeated the process, and they weren't cleared up either. I use Requiem, which modifies the time it takes for cells to respawn. However, I set that time to 10 days and waited 31 just in case, and yet it didn't work. Does anybody know something I could try to make the exterior cells reset? TL;DR: Is there any way to force an exterior cell to reset? Thanks very much.
  8. I'm sorry, I'm not sure I quite understand what you mean - do you want the bodies to be more saturated or more desaturated?
  9. This is exactly what happens for Apocalypse Spell Package: the tomes are added dynamically to the vendors by scripts. It won't conflict with any mod that edits the levelled lists.
  10. Make sure you have all of the Requiem files installed correctly; it may be that you don't have the mesh/texture files for the items that Requiem adds. Try uninstalling Requiem and re-downloading it and installing with NMM.
  11. EnaiSaion, author of Apocalypse Spell Package, had a spell called "Death Proof" in an older edition of that mod that, upon death, had a chance to resurrect you. Perhaps Enai could help if you PMed them directly.
  12. Lots of the vampire overhaul mods effect how vampires use magic. If you're just talking about spells that vampires get (e.g. Vampiric Drain) then that's easily done in a few minutes in the CK.
  13. The spell effects are taking place (e.g. in a combined fire/frost/lightning spell, all three damage effects happen) but one effect's visuals are taking precedence. Making all of the effects' art show would require you to make a new .nif art file with all three effects combined into one, then assigning it to a new Projectile which you in turn assign to a Magic Effect. As for a Conjuration/damage spell, it is possible, but I think you would have to make the area effect work like Blizzard or Fire Storm - i.e., a self-targeted spell. A greater spell modder than I could probably help you.
  14. Have you tried opening the console and typing "player.dispelallspells" without the quotation marks?
  15. Potion effects already affect magnitude. Enchantments affect cost. Do you have some sort of overhaul that changes that? If so, you could always open an .esp that doesn't include the overhaul, then just copy all of the effects etc. from vanilla. Anyway, the problem with your Destruction effect is that the Effect Archetype is Accum. Magnitude. Try Peak Value Modifier instead. As for your Detect Life, I'm less sure, but it's set to only work indoors and not work on the undead, daedra or automata and, more importantly, the Archetype is Value Modifier when it should be Detect Life.
  16. Sure. The Creation Kit website has a tutorial on the very basics: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Getting_Started and on level design: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Layout_Part_1 For a castle, follow the same tutorial but with a kit appropriate for a castle. Theoretically you could make your own kit if you were willing to do a lot of modelling and texturing, but it's much simpler to use an existing kit.
  17. Welcome! Here are some excellent tutorials: and A beginner's guide and a guide to install SKSE (a perfectly safe and legal way of giving modders more possibilities). Also, get your hands on Nexus Mod Manager. it will save you many headaches, because it works for 99.9% of mods and installs files to their correct location. It also saves records of overwrites if you install two mods that change the same thing, so you can install and uninstall easily. Finally, once you have SKSE, grab SkyUI. It makes a nice user interface for PC, but more importantly, adds the Mod Configuration Menu. If you dislike the UI for some reason, there's a mod called SkyUI-Away. Basics: 1. Save-cleaning is possible, but difficult, imperfect and sometimes problematic. Skyrim uses coding called scripts to make complicated things happen in the game, like quests, some spells, etc. Don't uninstall big, script-heavy mods (things that add whole new features, use spells with complex effects, etc.), or if you really must, follow the instructions on the mod's page. The same goes for updating those mods - follow the instructions! 2. If you crash on startup, you almost certainly have a missing master file - a mod is trying to get access to a file that doesn't exist. Most of the time this will be a DLC, but it might be another mod. 3. Always read mod descriptions. 4. Avoid the Steam Workshop. In their infinite wisdom, Valve decided that it should automatically update mods. This is great until a mod releases a big update that requires an update procedure, but Workshop shoves the new file into your game and breaks things. 5. Beware mod conflicts. Install big mods one at a time, ensuring there are no problems. Some mods work together, but require compatibility patches. See #3. 6. In the original Skyrim launcher (SKSE will install its own), use Data Files to ensure that mod files are active. There will be a tick in their box if they are. If mods look active but don't seem to be working, try deactivating them, closing Data Files, opening Data Files again, and reactivating them. 7. Load order is important. Mods loaded later will overwrite changes from other mods. There's a program called BOSS that can be helpful, but personally I think it's overrated - it cannot understand that big mods need to be low in the load order with multiple smaller mods and patches loaded later. Now, stability and performance are issues for Skyrim, but some very dedicated people have fixed most of the issues.. Get ENBoost (ENBs are graphics modifications that also fix memory bugs, but drain performance. ENBoost is the memory patches without the graphics), the Skyrim Memory Patch (this mod simplifies it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/?), and optionally HiAlgoBoost. Good luck! P.S. As for mod recommendations, inb4SkyRe: lots of people love Skyrim Redone. To each their own, but I dislike it. Its magic implementation is silly, it offers little gameplay change over vanilla, and I think it's rather bland. I personally endorse Requiem, which institutes a good ol' fashioned RPG feel while still keeping the best parts of Skyrim. It adds believability, challenge, and interesting but lore-friendly features. Also try Apocalypse Spell Package (get this, no matter how much or little you use magic. It's amazing). Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lighting and FX, and IMAGINATOR are all brilliant graphics modifications that DON'T drain performance.
  18. NMM will put the original files back. It stores the original mod's files.
  19. Midas Magic and Alternate Start are often extremely problematic. I don't understand Midas's popularity - it's ancient, unbalanced and buggy. Anyway, get ENBoost (it turns off ENB's graphics changes whilst keeping the memory fixes, so it's a free lunch - it solved all of my freezes) and the Skyrim Memory Patch (ALL HAIL SHESON) - it stops the game from bursting into tears when things try to load. I've barely crashed at all since installing both of those.
  20. ...Stick with SkyRe. Requiem is not for you. JK, JK. Try to hit them from cover whilst unseen with ranged weaponry. If you are detected, get in close and hit hard. Try using ward spells and dodging fire - there's a knack to dodging, you have to be familiar with the way a spell looks just as it's charged. You'll struggle to dodge once it's cast, and it's impossible for lightning spells, but you can dodge just before casting. You can also try timing your wards to reach full power just as spells hit, but that takes practice.
  21. You could just go for Copper and Silver, but that's a bit uninspired. The Septims are a royal bloodline, so maybe Alessias? Remans?
  22. Sure, but make sure that the planter you're going to copy+paste is definitely functional first. Nothing like spending half an hour pasting activator combos only to find that the original was broken.
  23. I'm intrigued. My only real regret for Requiem over SkyRe is that it loses SkyRe's Wayfarer tree. On the other hand, though, will your Magic section include SkyRe's spell nerfs? One of the things that put me off SkyRe was the whole idea of spell minimalism, where even Novice spells should be useful at high levels - which, I find, completely throws off the sense of old-school magic exponential power progression. I don't want to just see Flames burn health faster when I hit 100 Destruction, I want to blast dragons out of the sky with Firestrike!
  24. No, Bethesda probably wouldn't be best pleased. Try going on Steam and verifying the Skyrim files.
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