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Creation Kit mass enable trouble


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Any help would be appreciated. I have 20 soldiers enabled by an xmarker. When I run through the trigger they spawn but spawn naked and dead. I am using the trigger defaultEnableDisableLinkedRef, default settings. I also tried trigSpawnTrigger with the enable parent opposite set. Both ways seemed to spawn a group of already dead naked soldiers.


I tried to google for info but skyrim naked brings up a lot of stuff. Is there a max number of enable/disable at one time for the engine?

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They were a custom faction, leveled with player multi set at .6. Start dead was not checked on em and they were scriptless. AI was defaultmasterpackagelist. It was a strange bug. Using a defaultenabledisable trigger they would spawn dead and naked so I changed it to a trigspawntrigger and they would spawn with armor but dead already in a big pile. I might have had too many npc's in the area already. Tes5edit discovered a navmesh issue in the worldspace though i never edited it. Just going to erase that part and start over.

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