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Morrowind Armor System?


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Ok so I have been looking all over the forums and while i have found a lot of nostalgic mods, such as spell making and such, i have yet to find a mod that allows you to wear multiple sets of clothing. in Morrowind you could wear a full set of regular clothes under your armor, wear a robe on top of your armor, wear 10 rings and multiple necklaces and amulets. I refuse to believe that the people of Tamriel just forgot how to accessorize over hundreds of years. if some one could make it so that you have multiple armor slots for each different armor type, clothes, armor and robes.


adding slots and switching armors to different types should be easy enough but getting them all to work together would be hard.


clothes would obviously just disappear when you wear armor, but robes would not make the armor magically shrink or change shape.


the hard part would be making it so that if your character is wearing armor the robe mesh will change to fit it. there would have to be at least 2 different types. the first is for things like leather that don't have much sticking out, simply make the robe look puffier so it encompasses the armors, but for armors like ebony and deadric you would have to either remove the sleeves or create another new mesh that had open shoulders and other parts. i know this is a lot to ask, i'm not asking for it to be perfect. heck i would just be happy with the basic slot additions, the rest is just food for thought. i am extremely tired right now and will probably have to come back later to fix this up and refine it, but if anyone can do the slot part at least i would really appreciate it.

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More than just clothes, Morrowind also had all sorts of different armor pieces. Cuirass, Left Pauldrons, Right Pauldrons, Greaves, Boots, Helmets, Left Bracers, Right Bracers, Shirts, Pants, Left Gloves, Right Gloves, Amulets, Belts, Rings(x2), and Robes.


To spare you the trouble of counting those, that's seventeen potential pieces you could wear at one time, excluding shields and weapons. While wearing ten rings would be cool, you are wrong about it working that way in Morrowind.


And, while I'm not sure about in Morrowind, in Skyrim, you could set a glove or bracer to swap sides--I know this because in wearable lanterns, when you try to drop your lantern it pops up a message box asking if you want to relocate it to a different spot (Back right waist, front left waist, or right hand) or actually drop it, and there are apparently six waist slots since the lantern will unequip your belt pouches, meaning they likely programmed in the arms and shoulders, too.

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