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How to get custom merchant to say something besides "take a look"

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I've created a customer NPC merchant and they work fine, but they only say "Take a look" before their inventory pops up. So I created new dialogue for the character under Quests, and it does appear as an option when you talk to them, but instead or replacing the default 'take a look' line it's there in addition to it, and doesn't lead into the merchant's selling mode.


I assume I have something wrong; can anyone help me out?

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According to what faction the actor has his dialogue will be, except the 'JobMerchantFaction' adding the "Job Faction" of what he is selling will trigger the corresponding dialogue.




It's for blacksmith, but you need to test the voice type your actor has because.



On a mage merchant khajiit, you will only see his mouth moving cause there is no khajiit dialogue for that job.

I on the other hand have all my merchants only on the "JobMerchantFaction" because i get bored waiting for the dialogue to end...

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