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how to fix game that starts with colliding?


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Hey guys! (new to modding) I just downloaded skyrim on the pc from steam yesterday to try it out with mods. But for some reason when the game starts everything is colliding and the horses die and I cant get past the intro. I thought it should be because the mods. so I deactivated them and re downloaded skyrim 4 times and the same thing keeps happening. What should I do. I really only bought skyrim on the pc to see how wonderful these mods are. Any help will be appreciated. :)

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If you have vsync disabled, you could try enabling it.

When you removed the mods and reinstalled skyrim, did you completely remove everything, or just delete mods and use the steam delete local content option?

It may be that you still have info from your mods affecting the game.

You may find the STEP Guide's reverting to vanilla skyrim useful.


Once you get the game working, do not try adding mods until after you exit Helgen.

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