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Return the ID's of Container Contents - is it possible?


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Was the Dwemer ruin plus container & lever already in your save file? If so then most likely the save game prevented the scripts from actually applying.


Try the following.

At the main game menu open the console and type coc riverwood

open the console again and type tgm (toggles god mode so you can coc to the dwemer ruin and not worry about enemies with a level 1 character)

the use the coc command again but this time use the ID name of the cell that the lever and container are in.

Well, no it wasn't. I wasn't in the ruin in any of my saves before.


I'm going to check the mod again in the Creation Kit to make sure that the scripts stuck in place and didn't get corrupted or anything. I'm also going to try deactivating the mod when I load Skyrim, save, and then afterwards reactivate the mod, as well as try to move the mod's file out of Skyrim's data file while I do this, and then reinsert it afterwards. If none of that works, then I don't know what to do.


I tried that, as well as what you said. It didn't work even still.

Edited by ZeroCore
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Did you fill the property values after adding, compiling & saving the scripts?


Without the property values filled, the scripts will do nothing. That's the only thing left that I can think of without actually looking at your plugin.

Ah, that did it. I forgot to autofill the properties for the lever script. My mistake.


It's working now.

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