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Oblivion Online with Friends?


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I just want to know, is there any mods in Oblivion that actually allow this that aren't super buggy? I looked around, and there doesn't seem to be one that works well, but I'm really knew to the modding scene of Oblivion, so I'm wondering if there really is (or isn't) a good mod that allows for online play with friends. Basically, Oblivion, but a friend is in your world.

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Short answer: No


Long answer: Oblivion wasn't designed to be a multiplayer game. To make it multiplayer would require a rewrite of the entire engine, something that would require the resources of an entire game company. There have been attempts to make multi-player interaction possible, but they were scripting workarounds rather than engine rewrites, and therefore they tended to be laggy and buggy.

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