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USSEP causes mannequins to not use outfits.


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"Thankfully, the OnItemAdded event does not require that it be the player which adds the items. Thus you could add your gear to the mannequin via script on another object. They should then wear the gear per normal."

So I could for example use an OnTriggerEnter event where the player enters the cell that adds the outfit to the mannequins inventory and the makes them equip it? Am I on the right lines here?

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Yeah. Though you might want to consider an xMarker with an OnInit event instead of a trigger. Or even on a player alias script on a quest using the OnPlayerLoadGame event. You just need the gear to be transfered to the mannequin so that the OnItemAdded event runs. You'll need to test whether the 3D needs to be loaded before adding the items or if you can get away with it at any point before the 3D loads.

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I tried...


Actor Property MyActor01 Auto
Outfit Property MyOutfit01 Auto

Event OnCellLoad()
Debug.Notification ("Script Has Run")



... didn't work.

Anyway I'd like to avoid a quest just for this so I placed this script on a xmarker to test and got no nofification.


; This is within the "empty" state
Event OnInit() ; This event will run once, when the script is initialized

State InitStart
Event OnBeginState()
Debug.Trace("OnInit code started")
; Do everything we need to here
Debug.Notification ("Script Has Run")
GotoState("") ; An empty string represents the "empty state" for scripts.

Event OnInit()


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Make sure you are testing on a new game or save that has not seen the mod. Also, if using COC at the main menu, try going to a nearby area and entering the modded area normally. Just to rule out any oddities that might be caused from spontaneously appearing inside the modded area.


Start off going simple with your testing and ensure the object holding your script is enabled rather than disabled.

Event OnInit()
  Debug.Notification("Testing 1...2...3... code has started")

Another option is to create new mannequin NPCs of the same race and override the actor's specific body with the armor you want them to appear to be wearing (see dark brotherhood assassins for an example). They won't get the benefit but will have the visual.



Or dig into the scripts and plugin records to figure out what the heck USSEP has done to mannequins that might cause the issues you are experiencing.

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