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Running MW


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Ok so i just have Morrowind installed, (no bloodmoon or tribunal) and of course when i click play, my arrow gets a little clock like its working then nothing happens. It dosnt even seem like its trying to load except for the clock. I'm using a Nvidia GeForce4 Mx 4000 PCI card with the driver from Nvidia. I really dont know what to do as i've tried reinstalling several times. I have all the requirements and if i can provide a DxDiag sheet if it helps. Thanks for any help.



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Well first of all you could try the 45.23 driver. That's always been a reliable one for me when Nvidia screw something up. If that doesn't work then you could try updating to the latest driver (61.something) I guess. I'm not really sure what else to do, I think I may have heard PCI cards can have problems with Morrowind. What RAM/processor do you have?
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