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Thief Guild quest "Blindsighted" bug


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So it my first time posting about a bugged quest, but this time it really pisses me off as i can't find any solution.


I'm at the final boss fight with Mercer Frey in the Falmer Sanctuary with the statue etc.


So like always, you get in the chamber, monologue from Mercer, dialogue, he mind-control Brynjolf to fight Karliah, i fight him, i kill him the event triggers where the cave, caves in and the water flood.


And when i'm asked to get the Skeleton key and the Falmer Eye from him..., i get the Falmer Eye...but no Key...,there is absolutly no key in his inventory,


And despite the fact that i add the key by console, the quest mark stil stay on him, the water goes all up to the ceiling, and when the ceiling gives way behind the statues head...there happens nothing.


I'm floating with the 2 other idiots in the water with nothing happening...


I've tried to use Setstage and setobjectivecompleted commands, and while i get the Quest complete notification and sound, well i'm still stuck...


Tried to find by command the event trigger for the rocks to fall and get out, but with no succes.


And before you ask, no, i don't use any mods that alter the Thief guild or the thief guilds quests in any, only weapons,armors, spells SkyRe and a few things, but nothing supposed to mess with the quests...


So any suggestion, or way that i can solve this?


Oh and to be clear i have a save before i enter the Sanctuary and thus the fight, but no matter what, i can redo the fight, it doesn't work.


Din't tried to do it with all the mods deactivated though,but i rather not.


Thanks in advance.

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Okay, i did try with all the mods deactivated/unstalled, but to no avail...


Water still goes up, the two NPC's are swimming, Mercer still doesn't have the Skeleton key on him, and the wall still doesn't crumble.


i got tired of this, and used the Toggle collision command to get out of this, i'm not that interested in Nigthingale powers anyway, and i had it...


So thanks for...well nothing actually...

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