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Cant move Vile Lair sit marker


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i am making a mod that effects the Wawnet Inn, and ive been trying to move the sit marker for the vile lair merchant, but everytime i move it in CS, when i load up the game he's sitting in the same place.
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No you don't need to edit DLCVileLair.esp ... I asked because your problem would have different causes depending on what you had already tried.


The problem you are having is because an ESP (like DLCVileLair.esp) can't be the master for another ESP when using the vanilla Construction Set (for more info research Mod De-isolation).


Two ways around the problem.


The most modern is to use Construction Set Extender (an OBSE DLL that improves the CS).


The alternative is to use Wrye Bash to 'flip' a bit in the file header for DLCVileLair.esp making the CS believe it is an ESM, make your changes in your ESP and then use WB to flip the bit back to ESP (in WB it's ESMify and ESPify). I have heard reports that the latest version of WB (as found on the Nexus Mods page I linked) may no longer have the ability to ESMify/ESPify. I can't say for certain as I use an older version of WB (version 305) ... additionally I can't say for certain what the last version to have ESMify/ESPify may be (WB is currently at version 308).

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No you don't need to edit DLCVileLair.esp ... I asked because your problem would have different causes depending on what you had already tried.


The problem you are having is because an ESP (like DLCVileLair.esp) can't be the master for another ESP when using the vanilla Construction Set (for more info research Mod De-isolation).


Two ways around the problem.


The most modern is to use Construction Set Extender (an OBSE DLL that improves the CS).


The alternative is to use Wrye Bash to 'flip' a bit in the file header for DLCVileLair.esp making the CS believe it is an ESM, make your changes in your ESP and then use WB to flip the bit back to ESP (in WB it's ESMify and ESPify). I have heard reports that the latest version of WB (as found on the Nexus Mods page I linked) may no longer have the ability to ESMify/ESPify. I can't say for certain as I use an older version of WB (version 305) ... additionally I can't say for certain what the last version to have ESMify/ESPify may be (WB is currently at version 308).

i installed CSE and that let me move it. now he wont sit on it, but that doesnt seem too hard to fix. thank you so much for the help.

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I haven't looked at any details on where Rowley sits, but one thing that comes to mind is whether or not the crate/seat is marked as persistent. If it is you may need to test using a new game (or at least an old save from before you ever came near to Weye) ... I believe that persistent references can get baked into a save once the player has seen it.

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I haven't looked at any details on where Rowley sits, but one thing that comes to mind is whether or not the crate/seat is marked as persistent. If it is you may need to test using a new game (or at least an old save from before you ever came near to Weye) ... I believe that persistent references can get baked into a save once the player has seen it.

yeah, i noticed that when trying to move some doors. i managed to get the stool to move in game, im just having trouble making him sit back down.

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Check the details of his AI package (in particular the Conditions and Location).


- Edit - Curiosity got the best of me so I had a peek. Which are you trying to move, his outside spot (LairVileOutdoorHangout) or his indoors spot (LairVileTarisStool and LairVileHangoutMarker)?

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i moved both because i wants sure, but ive got no idea if thats actually moving in game. now idk if this would help, but it is kinda interesting; seems rowley has a few unused ai packages. ive played this game since about 2008 and i havent seen that man stand up once.
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Oblivion evaluates AI packages by parsing down the list. Rowley's top package is an generic eat at editor location from 8pm until midnight. His editor location is inside the Wawnet Inn just past the fireplace on the way to the upper section (you'll see his LairVileTarisStool there). He does go indoors for that package as I have seen him in there.


He also has an eat at editor location at noon for two hours (so once again he'll go indoors and eat on his stool).


Rowley's main package is a travel package that takes him out to LairVileOutdoorHangout (his stool hidden in the crate). It is set to run any time no other package is running that is above it in his package list (which is the eat packages). He also has a default wander package, but it will never run because the travel package is above it in his list and that one will always be run before his default wander (it's there more as a safeguard ... NPCs should always have a default package to run when all else fails).

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