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Cant move Vile Lair sit marker


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Check the details of his AI package (in particular the Conditions and Location).


- Edit - Curiosity got the best of me so I had a peek. Which are you trying to move, his outside spot (LairVileOutdoorHangout) or his indoors spot (LairVileTarisStool and LairVileHangoutMarker)?

ok, seems if i wait or rest in the tavern, he will start sitting down again. good enough for now because honestly just seeing him sit after all this time is a miracle in my eyes. thanks for the help.

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One trick I've learned when testing/troubleshooting AI package changes/additions is to try to keep far enough away from the NPC that they aren't turned looking at you. My experience is they are less likely to re-evaluate their packages when they are turned looking at your character as if they're waiting for you to speak.

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