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Way to revert mod load order back to previous order?


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I just got BOSS today, because everyone recommended it.

Gotta say though, that all my tons of mods were working PERFECTLY though - but i thought it wouldn't hurt to make sure the order was proper.


So i got BOSS and made it put everything in right order. And now my game is screwed up incredibly D: Most of my mods doesn't work proper. My character looks horrible now, cause Enhanced Character Edit is in a wrong load order, and therefor doesn't work in game D: I wish i had never installed BOSS -.- Literally screwed multiple of my perfeect addons up T_T

Please, if there is any way to undo what BOSS did, i would be MORE than eternally grateful D: Cause this literally ruined my day big time. Screw BOSS T_T

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Open the Boss GUI, on the right at the bottom there is an unchecked circle that says "Undo Changes" check the circle and press Last Run. That should put everything back the way it was. Also, and I cannot emphasize this enough, on the Plugins Tab of NMM underneath the green Check is a export load order tab. this should be used whenever you are about to make changes to NMM. If something goes wonky, like running BOSS, the tab below export load order will import your old load order automatically.

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Thank you so much ^^
I did see the import export load order, but it's like a thing that never really crossed my mind to use at all, for some reason.


But i REALLY appreciate your answer <3

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