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In Search of Armor/Weapon Mods


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Hi Everyone,


I'm looking for mods adding new armors to Skyrim (Crafted or in a container somewhere) with values comparable (Armor rating/Damage rating) to the Dragonscale armor and Dragonbone Armor/weapons. I'm at the point where my character's been running around with the same equipment for, in my opinion, too long.


I have been playing with many different armor mods, but when I discovered how powerful it is to craft, upgrade and enchant the Dragonscale armor (Light armor), I kinda was disappointed that I had found the Ultimate gear, yet that I didn't find it that much appealing.

I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions to put on the line.


By preference, female character can be beautiful and appealing (''Hot''), but not naked (or almost). What I mean by that is I'm not looking for an armor like the succubus one (Which seems to be very popular on Skyrim Nexus).


My main character is an Archer level Fifty-Something. I hunt for my leather... A Lot. Legendary Smithing, enchanting and Alchemy multiple times, so crafting is most likely the best option to get a better armor.


Although, I remember in Oblivion there was an Armor mod (I think it was called Illusion armor) that you had to kill 4 npc with incredible strength in order to get the gear. I wouldn't mind having to fight my way through a Dungeon to get an armor Worth it. (Even a recipe to craft it) ----> It's almost a request haha, but I'm just trying to give you the ideal of What I COULD be looking for. :P


So yeah! Thanks for replying! :P


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