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NPC services package help


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:wallbash: Hi, no matter how hard I try I cannot get an offer services AI package to work properly on my NPC. I am wanting an NPC to train marksman and also repair items but not buy and sell equipment. I have tried many combinations of different packages but I can never get the NCP to offer any services during the game. If you have a moment, pleaese look at the screenshots and tell me what I have done wrong. (As the NPC is in a big cell within a castle mod, I am not wanting her to unlock or lock any doors at any point.


Thanks in advance, and please help me out!


Matt (Inggrish)

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I looked at the screenshots. For the AI Package, I would remove the check for Continue if pc near, and remove must complete. What is the location you have him at? He should be a master trainer at 7AM at that location. Are there any conditions?
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I looked at the screenshots. For the AI Package, I would remove the check for Continue if pc near, and remove must complete. What is the location you have him at? He should be a master trainer at 7AM at that location. Are there any conditions?



I did what you said and it still didn't work. I tried must complete on and off as well. I have put it as editor location radius 0. There are no conditions at all. hmm.

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Does the sleep package have continue or must sleep on? I dont use those hardly ever.

Are you working from a previously saved game that already included that mod? If so, you may want to use a saved game that never had the mod installed, or unload, save, and reload it to test, he should be selling at 7AM at the editor location. Only other thing that comes to mind is a Merchant container on the charcterref file, but that should not be needed to offer services like training etc.

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Does the sleep package have continue or must sleep on? I dont use those hardly ever.

Are you working from a previously saved game that already included that mod? If so, you may want to use a saved game that never had the mod installed, or unload, save, and reload it to test, he should be selling at 7AM at the editor location. Only other thing that comes to mind is a Merchant container on the charcterref file, but that should not be needed to offer services like training etc.



Er, the continue if pc is near flag is checked for the sleep package because Im using a standard sleep package. Take a look at new screenshot. I tried uninstalling the mod then saving and then reinstalling the mod but still didn't work. :S

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The only things I can think of that may make this work would be to remove those packages and make 2 new ones from scratch. Load a saved game that does not have the mod in it at all and you should get better results. Other than that I could look at the .esp file to check it further.
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First off, when making new forms, DO NOT start them off with numbers. Editor IDs should ALWAYS start with a letter. This alone could be the problem.


You might also want to turn their aggression to 5. Rather than a travel package, consider using a wander package and removing any "must reach location" "must complete" kinds of flags. A wander package with a radius of 0 will work very similarly to a travel package, except that a wander package doesn't ever get completed.


In order for an NPC to sell anything, they need something to sell. Make sure they have owned property, like a chest containing their wares within the cell you are having them conduct their services in.

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in the same topic...diferent problem...my trader has "no greeting" how do i fix that....(hes a sheogorath race)...all other race are fine...does this have something to do with AI package ?or its simply the sheogorath race that has no Greetings ??? (by the way sorry to puppin up on your topic about that)....its just that i though these where related in some way !
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in the same topic...diferent problem...my trader has "no greeting" how do i fix that....(hes a sheogorath race)...all other race are fine...does this have something to do with AI package ?or its simply the sheogorath race that has no Greetings ??? (by the way sorry to puppin up on your topic about that)....its just that i though these where related in some way !

Nope, not related to packages, just the race, or rather the dialogues which are open to that race.

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First off, when making new forms, DO NOT start them off with numbers. Editor IDs should ALWAYS start with a letter. This alone could be the problem.


You might also want to turn their aggression to 5. Rather than a travel package, consider using a wander package and removing any "must reach location" "must complete" kinds of flags. A wander package with a radius of 0 will work very similarly to a travel package, except that a wander package doesn't ever get completed.


In order for an NPC to sell anything, they need something to sell. Make sure they have owned property, like a chest containing their wares within the cell you are having them conduct their services in.



Thanks so much. It finally works. I did a little jiggling arouhjnd with pretty much everything you two suggested; and now I can get them to sleep and offer services. Just another question though; for the eat package, do they materialise food out of nowhere and eat that, or eat the food in their inventory, or the food on plates laid out? and if it uses any up from their inventory or on plates does this food respawn???

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