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Cave Fires Hardly Give Any Light


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Afternoon. I am running RealVision Enb and most of the mods he recommends (all of the texture, overhaul, lighting mods). Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936//


I have Climates of Tamriel set to "torches are essential" in the lighting category. I love the dark atsmopheres of caves and other areas and needing a torch.


The problem is, when in a cave/castle, fires, laterns on walls, torches on the walls, and any other light source not coming from me (such as a torch equipped by me) gives off hardly any light what so ever. I really don't feel like fighting in an open room, with a bonfire, and have to use a torch in one hand in order to actually see my enemies.


In cities (such as Whiterune) at night time, the fires give off plenty of light, such as this: http://i.imgur.com/0NX5EwB.jpg. The issue seems to be in caves, such as this: http://i.imgur.com/YPbay5D.png


I also have my brightness set all the way down, but putting it at max brightness still doesn't increase the light the fires give off.


If someone is familiar with this issue or mods/enb that I am using I appreciate any info you could provide.


Thanks in advance.

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