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Regarding Dawnguard questline quest: Awakening


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After I finish the Dawnguard quest (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dawnguard_%28quest%29) the Isran dude doesn't give me the next quest on the line,called Awakening.I've already redone that part ~20times,I've almost learnt the dialogue by heart by now and yet the bug persists.According to the wiki (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Awakening)






this is a well-known bug but I've yet to find a solution,although I've spent a couple of hours online searching for it.I've already lost a character(17hours gameplay) and reinstalled the game today,I'm starting to get desperate with Skyrim.Oblivion didn't have that many problems and neither did Morrowind from what I can remember. :(


Is there any way to manually start the Awakening quest?I've found no solutions so far.

Edited by Nooby123
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Try 'setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 200' I know wiki says 180 finishes quest, but for any other quest it's 200. Perhaps it helps, I certainly would give it a try. The last objective in that quest is 250.
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200 leaves the marker but eliminates dialogue options and 250 completes it without the dialogue.

Dire straits...


Is there a save editor or something I could use to manually add the blasted quest?

Edited by Nooby123
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There is no save editor :(



What if you setstage back to first level and then go from there...


Create a new file in Skyrim folder called startdamnit (no file extension)


Copy this into that file:

Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 5
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 10
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 20
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 50
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 80
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 100
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 110
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 115
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 120
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 130
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 140
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 150
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 180
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 190
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 200
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 250
Setstage DLC1VQ01 10

Save & Close


Start Skyrim, open console, type;

bat startdamnit

I hope this helps. This should complete all the stages in the Dawnguard quest and start Awakening

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There is no save editor :(



What if you setstage back to first level and then go from there...


Create a new file in Skyrim folder called startdamnit (no file extension)


Copy this into that file:

Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 5
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 10
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 20
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 50
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 80
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 100
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 110
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 115
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 120
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 130
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 140
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 150
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 180
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 190
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 200
Setstage DLC1VQ01MiscObjective 250
Setstage DLC1VQ01 10

Save & Close


Start Skyrim, open console, type;

bat startdamnit

I hope this helps. This should complete all the stages in the Dawnguard quest and start Awakening



It finished Dawnguard but didn't start Awakening :(

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Dont know if this will help but;




mikom31, on 25 May 2013 - 12:28 AM, said:
I'm bumping this because I have the exact same problem and have tried everything I can think of and combed the internet for a fix. I've tried setstage DC1VQ01 10 (awakening quest id) and nothing happens, I've unchecked mods and reloaded countless earlier saves. Does someone know how to fix this?

---So, after a full day of toying around with this, I have found a workaround.

I don't want to reset my game, or start a new game save, as I've got too much invested in my character. I'm afraid you'll have to use the setstage commands to BYPASS "Awakening" altogether.

It sucks, b/c you don't get to see the bit of dialogue when you rescue Serena. However, youtube solved that in a matter of moments. If you really want to, you can still go ahead and solve the puzzle, but for our purposes, you don't even have to enter Dimhollow AT ALL.

Make CERTAIN to finish the "Dawnguard" quest first, having talked to Isran and all that. Then make sure you travel somewhere safe (away from the Dawnguard base), b/c I don't know how they'll react to the next bits.

Firstly, type "player.setstage DLC1VQ02 5" to start the "Bloodlines" quest, which starts immediately after "Awakening."

Then type "prid 02002B74" in order to select Serena.

Finally, type "moveto player" in order to teleport her next to you (otherwise she stays stuck in her crypt).

Now you have all the dialogue and quest options as if you had completed this buggy as hell quest!

Again, this will allow you to bypass the quest altogether, and continue with Dawnguard. I haven't completed the quest yet, so I don't know if this will adversely affect things later on. However, the Awakening quest was pretty self-contained, and the only NPC that goes on to do anything is Serena, so this SHOULD work.



Of course this is not ideal.


Perhaps you can post all the mods you use, if I have the same you can sent me your save game, perhaps I can have it start and sent you back if the above didnt work either... other replies are just people saying they had to start all over and couldnt get Dawnguard to start at all :\

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