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Help with modding


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I made this just because I have the technical capability of a goldfish but can't stay away from sky rim mods. My problem is I got the nmm and downloaded a few mods, however they're not on the plugin list where the rest of my steam mods are but I cannot seem to activate them in the mod list.

I apologise in advance if its anything really stupid.

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If you downloaded the mods with NMM, the mods will first appear in the Mods tab. Once they are in the Mods tab, you need to install them. There is a button on the left side that allows you to activate or deactivate a mod. That is the button that you want to use. Once the mod is installed, then any associated ESP or ESM files will appear in the plugins tab. If the mod was installed but no plugin appears, it is likely that the mod is a simple replacer (i.e. texture, mesh, script, etc) and does not need an ESP or ESM file.


This might be a good read for you


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