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Still getting CTDs


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Woops, I actually found the "Real" culprit. Apparently I had a behaviour file that wasn't really a behaviour file in the behaviour folder. Here's a tip guys: Listen to FNIS!

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good, some steps closer... hope it solves the CTDs, and perhaps an issue left or right...


As for the male neck seams, which pack is that? I use this one; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488/ < Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - FlaccidVersion + Underwear - Default > can confirm that combination works fine and looks great. You might want to look into that if you haven't already.



"Here's a tip guys: Listen to FNIS!" --> you should never ignore a warning by FNIS :) it's almost certain stuff breaks when FNIS drops you a warning

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Seems unlikely unless there is a mod with edits male weight or facegen which is not properly made, or multiple of them overruling each other's changes and just one of them coming with facegen data (which is not loaded last)... should be easy to fix that. Sure tes5edit can show that (or at least partly). Can also be that there is incorrect data in facegen under textures and meshes which causes this. That could be checked by using the CK... sucks to battle neckseams... I hope it's not actor weight because after correcting it you have to start a new game or you have to manually edit each actor in the console, since weight is remembered by your save game.

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