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I started playing skyrim like a week ago, i thought it was a good game till i found nexus, which turned it into one of my favorites games of all times... Thanks a lot to all who creates all the great addons here.

I specially love Vilja, by far my favorite companion. Her voice is so annoying at the beggining, but after a few minutes you realize thats exactly the voice needed for that character. She adds all the rpg i felt skyrim lacked for. A Terry Pratchett character style, that kind of humor...

She even creates conversations with other companions, which without her are basically drones :/

Hopefully more Vilja style companions will be created soon or maybe they exist already and i just havent found them yet lol


Here is the link to VIlja :






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Vilja, GopherVids, and MMOxReview were why I went from being a console gamer to PC and going mod crazy so I completely agree, though I kind of liked her voice from the beginning. :D


Very nice of you to post this and give credit where it is due my friend so kudos to you too.

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Vilja is awesome, one of my favorite mods. If you are looking for more in-depth followers there are a few mods.

Interesting NPCs Super Followers are pretty awesome (My favorite is Zora-Fair Child)



Another mod is Hoth (Never used it myself personally but it got some really good reviews)


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