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Some one PLEASE help me make combat better.


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(Xbox) Ive spent 12 hours today trying to get combat right. I start with

as a base. but the combat was STILL trash. everything kills me in one hit, still takes loads of hits to kill them. looking for something that makes sense. Everything that needs a head, dies to a head shot (minus like deathclaws, bears, etc, things that should take one or two good head shots) Good locational damage, unarmored damaged etc. the two stupid blood bags after red rocket take like 5 clips to kill but kill me in one hit lol flies take like 5 shots, but humans die in 1 -4.
I just wanted the game to feel balanced (cries)
im playing on survival and using skk damage manager w/e but its kinda useless. changing damage values for EVERYTHING at once is stupid and doesn't really work in the role of balance. I tried out Brutality Hardcore Rebalanced (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11657) and i really liked the combat, but its lacking as an "overhaul" or balanced. i tried using it in conjunction with immersive/arbiration but they dont seem to work well toghter. please, HALP. Edited by MrCuddly
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I use BLD https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3815 since long and I consider it a mandatory mod. I changed it in parts due to personal taste but could absolutely use it in original state. It overhauls at the core not only weapon damage but also the health of the NPCs (and player), because damage changes alone don't solve the FO4 combat problems.


I also use PANPC https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30140, to make the NPCs a bit more intelligent in fighting.

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