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Everything posted by geala

  1. I play mostly what you call "very little to do after the final act". I have more than 2k hours in the game and never ever ended the main story or a main faction story, I usually ignore them. If you need something after the big questlines, you could use mods which greatly widen the possibilities for playing. For example the "Outcast and Remnants" quest mods (I'm not the biggest fan of the mod style, but they are massive and greatly done and many like them). Currently I have some mods like Point Lookout and Fourville installed, however the normal gameplay, to build settlements and get enough stuff and good weapons, takes enough of my time. Another example, I never managed to visit the South of the Sea mod's locations but I'm always planing to do it. It's not boring that way. BTW patrol mods and additional enemy spawn mods are as mandatory for me as loot overhauls, to make the game a big of a survival game. That's all personal taste of course. I'd be really bored by playing a big main story twice for example, I'm not bored when cleaning some locations for the xth time.
  2. I have a very special question. Anybody knows a mod which has armor/clothes for Enhanced Vanilla Body and uses a longer torso than normal, including the underwear area, but without the legs? I use Crimsonrider's fantastic "Clothing of the Commonwealth" mod and I want to make some jeans to be worn down on the hips, so to say, by lowering the pants with Outfit Studio. The problem is that the usual torso stops at about the upper end of the underwear. When moving the jeans down to the hips some gaps appear. Currently I use the full body instead of upper torso and feet for low riding pants, but the legs clip through the jeans with some movements.
  3. The Skyrim experience was annoying. For some reasons at one time I updated the game (what a fault) and did not play since this "improvement", mostly because some mods I see as essential for me weren't updated. Good to know that I have to keep Steam offline all the time in the next months/years to save my FO4 from a similar fate ...
  4. Sadly I don't know such a mod. For some forms of gameplay it could be really useful, f.e. modded scenarios and/or if you don't do the Minutemen quests or the main quest in general (I never ended the main quest btw despite more than 2,000 hours played). Currently I made the Commonwelth even more primitive as it is and ignore the Minutemen quest while focusing on two settlements for which my char (not the sole survivor) does mercenary work. A problem with disabled settlements may come from the strange settler quest popping up from times to open a different settlement for inhabitants (as if the settlers would care about distant stuff ...).
  5. I get the criticism about the bugs of The Fen's Sheriff Department. While I never had crashes using it, I had the map desaster which makes using the pipboy for orienting hardly possble. I installed a map mod and the problems were gone. Not sure wether that's a permanent solution, but try it. I don't get the problems with the "girl power". It's a (parallel) world 200+ years in the future and from all we see there is no fundamental difference between men and women in FO4. It is also, probably unconsciously, a big fault to think that women necessarily have to be inferior in a violent world, that's based on biased perceptions of history and society. A Somali pirate crew is from a society with the habit of suppressing several people (among them women) for thousands of years in an unbroken cultural row, it's not at all a good example for what would happen in a world in a different culture after a big bang, with several ruptures in culture. And as it is as easy for a women to fill a person with bullets as it is for a man, there is also no "muscle power" related arguing possible why women have to be the underdogs of society. I'd wish for a more balanced composition of the department's personal, but I can live with how it is. What made me deinstall the mod is the big role power armor plays in it. I have made me a more primitive and tribal Commonwealth, I don't like power armor and I don't want power armor around that much. That's personal taste, not the fault of the mod. Anybody should try it, it's great.
  6. Automatic reload for me is one of the most annoying features of FO4. It should at least be absent in Survival mode. Managing ammo is an important aspect of combat and taking it away is just bad. I would even vote for a system where you have to manually repeat weapons which you had to ... repeat manually in real world, like the hunting rifle. Plus a system of jams, mostly for semi-automatics and automatics, as balance, and because jams are not so seldom in an environment of dust, dirt and decay (I use a mod for this but I'm not sure wether it works or not). Pipe weapons should be affected the most by jams, of course
  7. Why is your char naked? You need a story for it, my opinion. :cool: My current C. is primitive, very few guns, mostly melee or crossbows. A lot is kind of tribals, also from clothing, so is my char. He's not naked but adjusts to the heat. :happy:
  8. I use BLD https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3815 since long and I consider it a mandatory mod. I changed it in parts due to personal taste but could absolutely use it in original state. It overhauls at the core not only weapon damage but also the health of the NPCs (and player), because damage changes alone don't solve the FO4 combat problems. I also use PANPC https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30140, to make the NPCs a bit more intelligent in fighting.
  9. I think the decision to change the mod policy is ok. Surely the Allies committed several war crimes during WWII (not on the same level than others, one could argue), surely there existed a lot of genocidal behavior of peoples and nations other than that of Nazi Germany before and after, surely Messrs. Lenin, Stalin or Mao Zedong succeeded to kill a huge amount of humans too. But the Nazi symbols are actually in modern use for a certain political agenda and as such more problematic than other stuff. It's good to get rid of them. I wouldn't mind if other symbols would be targeted too, if they stood for a simplistic ideology of antagonism. I don't want to see fanatical Christian, Islamic or communist propaganda either, for example. Very difficult to judge without doing a patronising censorship of course.
  10. You should perhaps check this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47249.
  11. Sounds like mod manager / load order voodoo. Do you use other mods which affect weapons? You used "copy as overwrite"? I have all guns set to "no dismember/explode" (cause they cannot) except .50 and laser musket. I'm using "primitive" NMM to set load order and enable mods, and it works.
  12. I'm looking for the file which rules what normal goods (not shipments) named vendors sell, in this case Deb from Bunker Hill. Is it a leveled list? I can find named vendor's containers and shipment lists so far, but no normal leveled lists.
  13. The fusion core stuff does not make much sense, in any case, for example when the lights stay on after you removed the fusion core from the power plant. Maybe it is a bit like homeopathy. Over the hundreds of years a mysterious not measurable substance has formed which took over the fusion cores duties. Or simply it's SCIENCE, period. :nuke: For the "pepper spray", I think the use of a syringe gun with appropiate darts (for paralyzing or threatening or else) may be the better/best replacement. I'm just not sure wether it is a chance or guaranteed paralyzing etc. effect. Never used a syringe. Not the best situation to find it out when a deathclaw is about to distribute your bowels over the floor. :ohmy:
  14. That's personal taste. I like it dark inside and don't mind using flashlights or lanterns, others don't want it too dark. There are a lot of other things preference differs about. I presume you know this comparison: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/6jx3p7/fo4_comparison_of_different_light_mods/, you have to choose yourself. Weather and flora mods can affect the effects lighting have on you, too. I currently use ELFX and Ultra Exterior Lighting, together with Darker Nights and Unified Commonwealth Weather, as well as Commonwealth Reclamation Project (which is Beta). The ENB or Reshade, if you are using one, has big effects. I tried a lot of ENB, my favorite is Spirit ENB. I also like Dawn ENB. PRC on the other hand, with NAC or not, is not that much to my liking but a lot of people prefer it.
  15. They use it because the survivors of the big war are a bit dump, that's the reason they still exist in small mafia clan like political units, fighting each other, live in shacks with holes all over and choose something for money about which they have not much control. They cannot produce more money, it's also heavy and inconvenient. So the caps are perfect for killing economical development and so fit perfectly fine into the post-apo world we can admire in FO4. :happy: Although, the real reason for the caps might be, cause it's funny...
  16. I would also love such a mod! But I fear it is a very laborious task as I think all the cells had to be edited?
  17. That's quite a good idea. I played for a longer time with the mod "Wasteland Operator" which cuts down the main quest and the main factions. Such a release not to face the Minutemen in Concord. That mod fits me because I'm really not interested in the FO4 main story (in fact I never ended it despite a lot of hours gameplay), but it's too radical a solution for many of course who want to play the FO4 story. Some remarks: Quincy? You know that little town? A bad place for newer players, far away in the south. I would recommend a different place for Preston. Also from common sense it is not necessary that his group is still in the gunner infested area. Wasteland Operator puts Preston into Jamaica Plain, also a bit too dangerous. What about Mystic Pines or other lower danger areas of Lexington? I think the player should be able to meet the Minutemen before he faces BoS. I would change the Preston/Museum quest considerably in another way. Above all the part with the minigun, power armor and deathclaw should be removed. Besides the fact that I hate it to get a PA frame and minigun for free I always was baffled by the nonsense that tech fan Sturges cannot open a base terminal but our 200-year-deep freezed hero/ine can. No power armor, no fusion core, problem solved. BTW, the first location to clear for the settlers has to be changed too, as Corvega is rather hefty for beginners.
  18. Does anybody know of mods which replace the miraculously always-100%-full fusion cores from the power plants in the C. with partly depleted ones? If I would want to do it myself, would I have to edit all the cells (I fear so)? And are there mods which allow you to temporarily blind enemies? For running away from mean foes for example which unfortunately I have to do a lot. :ohmy: Best would be a kind of homemade spray. Or maybe Nuka kind water pistol design.
  19. I have no experience with Vortex as I only use NMM, but what you describe about the game not starting is barely possible, considering Fallout 4 alone. It might be indeed some mod manager voodoo. I once could not load a save or start the game, no clue why: I deinstalled any mod, deinstalled the mod manager, deinstalled Fallout 4, manually deleted ANY FOLDER (not only content) connected to Fallout 4 and then reinstalled and the problem was gone. Or there is something fundamentally wrong with your operating system, although that's hard to believe. Do you have up to date drivers for your components? Do you have the correct Directx? Do you have administrator rights? Or else, I'm no computer pro. In your case a contact to the Bethesda consumer support would be the right way perhaps.
  20. It would be great if a tool for checking and reporting crashes would exist. Papyrus is not telling much/anything about it. Or if crash fixing mods would be available, like for Skyrim. My Skyrim for long was a crash paradise game. Since I installed it following a mod list advice with several crash and bug fixing mods last year, I did not get even a single ctd since (it's the old 32 bit version and I use complicated mods like Deadly Mutilation with it). I wished FO4 (which I like much more as game) would be a bit similar. :laugh:
  21. I'm feeling with you but I do not really get the story with the memory problems. I played FO4 for a long time on an i7 3,4 GHz, 970 GTX with 24 GB RAM and Windows 7 Pro, with War of the Commonwealth first, than with Endless Warfare (like it better) and NPCs Travel, with about 150+ mods, f.e. mods for a dense vegetation, overhauls and several HD texture mods. I usually only had 40 to 45 fps, but perhaps one ctd every two to three months at most. Why wasn't there a memory problem? Now I'm on a i9 3,6 GHz, RTX 2070, 32 GB RAM, very fast SSD, and Windows 10 Pro and I've a lot more problems. Some weeks ago I got constant ctds every hour when running through the world; caused seemingly by a loot overhaul mod I had used for years without problems, but then conflicting with some stuff. Currently I have perhaps one ctd a day, not reproducible, and I have no clue about the reason. Windows 10 is allegedly a step back for gaming, maybe there are some strange interactions of mods, maybe it's memory, maybe conflicting item lists, maybe spawned actors, who knows?
  22. I don't know of a mod which makes armor invisible; wouldn't it also be a bit strange to have people without armor shown but with the armor benefits? You could remove at least a lot of armor from the game with editing outfits and/or leveled lists. For example raiders in my game have very few armor, they only sparsely wear leather or raider armor torsos with some helmets and a few arm parts (with high chances of no armor parts), gunners have a few combat armor torsos and some leather stuff, all leg armor of the game is gone. Most people in the C. get their clothing from Clothing of the Commonwealth mod, because I like it much more primitive than in vanilla. And so on. It is a bit of work but it's relatively easy because of the leveled list cascades. For example raider NPCs get most of the clothes and armor from the outfit "Raider Outfit". In the outfit leveled lists are defined, the leveled lists contain clothes, armor parts or other leveled lists. From memory (so beware), raider armor LLI leveled list contains three sublists which are level dependend and each contains LL leveled lists of underwear and LL lists of armor, like torso, leg, etc. armor which contain the armor parts (or again other LL lists). So a lot of leveled lists are involved but you could already get rid of the armor on the outfit level (replace the leveled list in the outfit with a different leveled list, that's one edit) or on the level of the highest LLI list.
  23. Don't know what "good" means for you, I like it sweet and simple. My favorite companion is James https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37504. I always change his appearance a lot, as I play a tribal char, but that's personal taste. It's is a very basic companion mod, but very reliable.
  24. Did you quit and restart the game? Did you disable mods one after the other and tried again? Foremost mods which deal with body visuals or companions. I used Everybody's Best Friend for quite a while and it worked flawlessly. However, who knows, I got constant ctds lately in different situations after different times and seemingly, after weeks of trying to locate the culprit, the mod I least would have thought to be the cause appeared to be the cause (Fallout Loot Overhaul which I had used for years without any problems).
  25. Isn't that a contradiction, "new" and "as vanilla as possible"? Do you want new visuals or new game mechanics or new quests? I play a game with big changes to damage, armor, health, world and NPCs look, etc., and I don't like the faction or main quests at all, so I'm not a specialist for advice for you. But concerning quest mods, I tried last the mods around Diary of a Madman, Depravity and Outcast and Remnants by Thuggysmurf et al. You can add Fusion City Rising and Project Valkyrie. The mods are very well made, the stories are good and they fit into he FO4 lore and world. They deal with the main story and the factions but add several ways to enjoy and approach. They fit so perfectly well that I stopped playing and removed them from my load order (I don't like the SS and the main story and can not bear it at all to be approached as searching father etc., no way). For a new experience but with vanilla connections and flair they seem ideal.
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