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Female Idle Animation Mods


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Hey everyone, I was wondering, I saw one of xp32's videos and his/her character was standing idly with her hand on her hip, and then I saw a couple variations. I really wanted to find a mod in which I could do this.


Is there anything like this on the nexus? I am using Dualsun's Pretty Animation Package mod which allows me to idle in different ways, but I have to use rings and stuff to put up a stiff pose from which my character is stuck in until i take off the ring.,


I want my character to simply idle in some way when I am not moving. Thanks.

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Cool! Thanks!



OH! Also, I noticed that every other npc female in the game uses the same poses I chose. Is there a way to only allow me to use it? I heard about that PCEA mod, but it says you need a custom race...



EDIT: So I found a mod called Custom Races that you use in conjunction with PCEA. The author made it so you can still look exactly like old races but they are custom. My character is a High Elf. If anyone knows, would it be possible to edit my character into the 'custom' version of the High elves without losing my stats, facial features, etc.? I realize this may not be very coherent, but hopefully someone is familar with these mods and can inform me. Thanks.

Edited by Amatory9
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