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New to forums just wanted to say hi and introduce myself


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Hey all my names Blue gospel and I recently have managed to get skyrim to work on my computer, yay!

Anyway i really like the game alot and have played since the release date on console.

But I so deperately wanted to participate in the mod community and see all the awesome mods for the game that creative people have made.

Just one problem though! I dont know where to start!!!!!

Anyway really exicted to see all the awesome mods and play!

(didn't see any kind of introduction forum so sorry if this is wrong place, just move if so please!)

and just for starting sake, does anyone know any cool mercenary armor like mods?(sorta like one shoulder guard pauladron like armor, maybe some rememniscent of cloud strife or Berserk).

Also Im really interested in 2 handed weapon mods with sheaths as well!

Thanks all for your time! excited to be here!

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First thing you should do is move your Steam folder out of Program Files (x86) if that's where you installed Steam, and haven't moved it since. This will ensure you can avoid issues with UAC.


Next, look at STEP, Skyrim Gems, and the top 100 list on Nexus. Don't go overboard; only install one or two mods at a time. That way, if there are issues, you can find and fix the issue quickly. Be aware of what your computer can handle.


Get Wrye Bash, and install BOSS and TES5Edit. BOSS sorts your load order (and is mostly accurate) and warns you of issues, TES5Edit is a great tool for cleaning and editing mods, and Wrye Bash can be used to install mods, change your load order easily, and launch BOSS/TES5Edit/etc. with ease.

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Search Gopher Vids on You Tube.

He has an extensive how to video guide on getting started with mods for a lot of Beth Games.

Also he often has videos displaying mods that are current and how to install them as well...

Gopher is often spotlighted on the Front Page of the Nexus, so it's kinda hard to miss.

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