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Alduin Remake


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After grabbing retex's of all the rest of the dragons Alduin just does not look good. The one retex that actually looks good for him is not to my taste and I believe it can be done better. While I could reverse engineer some of the mods I am looking to combine, that would take forever in an area where I have no expertise. I have just gotten my head around TesVedit, and doing extremely basic playing with the ck. When it comes to texturing I know nothing outside of being able to rename files. So, the idea!


Using this as inspiration http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9151//?#

and the resources of http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28642/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D28642&pUp=1

and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28741//?

with permission of course!


I am thinking bone dragon with a fiery heart and fiery eyes with only a slight ghostly shader effect around the rest of the body. Maybe even add some armor similar to http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27949/? but that also requires some modeling.


Any thoughts? Yay/nay?

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