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Mod for tac lights


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hi everyone the other day i downloaded a mod for a desert eagle.

The gun comes with 2 attachments, one being an underslung tac light....torch/flashlight.

I spent many hours on the nexus and google looking for the key that switches the light on and off...

and you know what? there isnt one!

its just a cosmetic enhancement...

Ok, so i have an ENB that makes new vegas very dark at night and the interiors of the buildings also...

i have installed AWOP which has miles of underground tunnels and is apparently very dark down there to

(i havent checked yet)...

and im not going to... because only yesterday i ventured into a sewer filled with tons of hardcore monsters

AND I COULDNT SEE s#*!! until they were like 3 feet away from me...the pip boy light just doesn't cut it!



So to any weapon creators, or any other modder's, we need guns with tactical lights that function!!!!!!




i know there is an existing torch mod but u cant hold that and a gun...so its kinda useless!

also it apparently makes a lot of performance lag..


please forgive me if there is guns with functioning tac lights already (if there is please send me a link)


Also i love my dark vegas, it creates tension, i dont want to make it brighter a night! i want that added atmosphere of creeping around in the dark panning my gun and tac light TO SUDDENLY HIGHLIGHT A HUGE f*#@ING MONSTER OMGGG... :)

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