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Does mods increase bugs in game?


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In my current playthrough of skyrim I have decided to join the stormcloaks to fight the imperials.

and I just got done with the "battle for whiterun" quest and has now been tasked by ulfric to meet galmor stone-fist in the stormcloak falkreath camp.

BUT there is no option in the dialouge that continues the quest... i have obvisly done some research and tried walking from windhelm to the camp, hitting him until he goes on one knee, and fast traveled back and fourth nothings seem to !WoRk! and I am now starting to wonder if it could be the mods I have installed...

I got around 38-40 mods activated on the nexus.

I also have "the wilds enb" installed and mods like SKYRE...


But does modding really increase the amount of bugs?


It really bothers me that I cant continue with this quest!.... :confused:


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Adding anything to your game has a chance of increasing or decreasing the number of bugs. Some things are connected in ways that aren't always obvious and so a simple adjustment in one spot could cause issues in another location.


That doesn't mean that there is just one mod which is causing your issues. It could be a side effect of two or more mods whose changes are affecting each other.


Also, you can have the exact same load order with two different characters and yet one have a "bug" while the other does not. Timing and order of actions can play a big impact on whether or not specific issues arise.

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The civil war is one of the most bugged quest line so there is also a good chance that your problem is with the vanilla game, I do not even do it anymore because it rarely works for me, even without mods.

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