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Looking for fix for "psychic" NPCs who can detect theft anywhere in their cell?

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Is there a way to make it so the NPC actually has to have the player in their FOV to detect theft? This seems to be the case in the vanilla game.


I'm making a mod, and during testing my NPC seems to be able to detect a theft two rooms away with no possible way he could hear or see me and pulls out his bow and arrow to attack me after I stole one piece of garlic.

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You shouldn't steal, and especially garlic !!.

Unfortunately the way that the theft is created makes the alternative to only be able to be done if you script everything in the cell, or create a quest for that cell that will monitor the item added to the player's inventory and trigger the npc's reaction accordingly to the 'line of Sight' with the player.

Whatever direction you may choose will make the whole thing very heavy for something so simple as stealing a charcoal.

Theft in Skyrim is setup as an alarm clock for the entire cell, in my opinion this is in the category of the biggest potatoes that bethesda did, they didn't pay too much attention to one of the game's main asspects, and they did a very bad and sketchy job with the theft mechanic.

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