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Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF after UOP

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Ah, no, no, no, you're going circles. There's some other misconception at play here.


Having a file named "Marker_Error.nif" in your data folder does NOT mean you have a missing mesh. Every game has this one, either inside the BSA or a replacer for better visuals in your data folder.

It also isn't "generated". It was "installed" by one of the UOPs, as this replacement for the error visual is part of their archive.


It's a model file like any other NIF. It just so happens every time the game finds a missing mesh it will use this particular file to "display" it.

You have a missing mesh, if you "see" this model inside your game, not if you only have the file in your data folder. That alone does mean nothing, as it's always the case in every game that installed the UOP or another replacement for the error marker.


I hope this clears it up a bit.



edit: Hmm, didn't read your last post completely to the end, Striker. (Been up for 2 days with only 2 hours of sleep.) It seems you already covered most of what I said in this last go. But if after reading this post there's still some confusion through wording, I hope mine helps clearing the last of it up.

And one more FYI I just recalled, that is if I recall correctly: The Vanilla game's "Marker_Error.nif" did not have collision, so you couldn't click it, couldn't select it, to gain further information about "which" item has the missing mesh, thus the UOP team created a replacement file which has it all.

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Ah, no, no, no, you're going circles. There's some other misconception at play here.


Having a file named "Marker_Error.nif" in your data folder does NOT mean you have a missing mesh. Every game has this one, either inside the BSA or a replacer for better visuals in your data folder.

It also isn't "generated". It was "installed" by one of the UOPs, as this replacement for the error visual is part of their archive.


It's a model file like any other NIF. It just so happens every time the game finds a missing mesh it will use this particular file to "display" it.

You have a missing mesh, if you "see" this model inside your game, not if you only have the file in your data folder. That alone does mean nothing, as it's always the case in every game that installed the UOP or another replacement for the error marker.


I hope this clears it up a bit.



edit: Hmm, didn't read your last post completely to the end, Striker. (Been up for 2 days with only 2 hours of sleep.) It seems you already covered most of what I said in this last go. But if after reading this post there's still some confusion through wording, I hope mine helps clearing the last of it up.

And one more FYI I just recalled, that is if I recall correctly: The Vanilla game's "Marker_Error.nif" did not have collision, so you couldn't click it, couldn't select it, to gain further information about "which" item has the missing mesh, thus the UOP team created a replacement file which has it all.


Thanks Drake ... the missing collision part makes sense. I've seen other troubleshooting threads where the person said they could click it in the console to find the mod index number, in all likelyhood they weren't using the UOP.


My only experience seeing the missing mesh error was on my current character, and the UOP was the first 'mod' installed on his load order. I was mostly expecting to find them as it was outlined in the mod description/mod comments for the alt start mod I used with that character (no sense in mentioning which as it relies on a mod that now has 'unobtainium' status). In my case it was simply a matter of extracting the problem mod's BSA (was one of those 'problem reading the BSA' things).

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@DrakeTheDragon and @Striker879:


I just want to cut in

to express how much I appreciate

both your continuing efforts

to go the distance

carrying on to repeatedly investing

in helping others.

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not sure if i got all that, the post is rather old, but i found it interesting ... if i got the just of it.

a missing mesh w/ only the base, OPs & UOPs. WTF! i had this happen to me. winds up that dlc SI esp has a purpose, never looked at it though, but the mod sorters were deactivating it and it caused every blue flame to turn into a big shiny star.

the only other thing i can think of is after playing w/ Wrye for the last week. i found it flabergasting how many files were getting mismatched, skipped or conflicting. not sure if that would lead to just a WTF stamp, probably more likely a CTD.

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If, for whatever reason, some tool deactivates the DLC Shivering Isles ESP, (despite it being an "empty" one) this will lead to the BSA auto-loader no longer loading the DLC Shivering Isles BSAs, thus a whole boat load of missing meshes and/or textures in game.


Which "mod sorters" were doing that nonsense, mind I ask?

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