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Free Hirelings?


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So I need some help and advice when it comes to changing a hireling into a normal follower in the Creation Kit.


I've had Erik the Slayer as my follower for quite some time now, and for roleplaying purposes, I believe that he has been a follower of mine for so long now that he would want to join me without being payed. Besides, I feel insulted when he charges me 500 gold after I was the one who started his journey in the first place :biggrin:


Anyway, what's the best way to make him, or any hireling for that matter, not a hireling any longer? I realize that in game if you hire him multiple times there are times where he charges for free, but I want him to NEVER charge me again, a.k.a. creating him as a regular follower and not a hireling in the Creation Kit.


Any thoughts/tips/advice?

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