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Creation Kit Glitch!


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So I have the Creation Kit installed correctly. My Skyrim version is legit. Both the CK and Skyrim are registered on Steam. The CK is verified and there were no problems. I have the latest patch installed and all the expansion packs. However, whenever I start the CK it won't open. It launches an icon box saying that it's preparing the CK to load or whatever but then the box vanishes and nothing happens. It worked once before but I can't remember what I did to get it to work since I am a noob at this. So yeah, any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated. Also are there other programs I can use to mod Skyrim? I want to make mods but the CK refuses to work for me. So any advice and suggestions would be fantastic.


Many thanks in advance!


P.S. I reinstalled it multiple times and checked everything still no success. Please help!!

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